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New Poll - Favorite Romance
This poll is from our member AceBunneh. For all those people who like romance of some sort (and that's most people), what's your favorite type of romance? The given choices hopefully cover most of the bases...

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Previous Poll Results:
Question: Assuming money is not an issue, how would you prefer to consume your manga?
Printed volume of a series - votes: 9346 (64.2%)
Printed periodical or magazine with multiple series - votes: 626 (4.3%)
On a computer - votes: 3288 (22.6%)
On an e-book reader - votes: 1121 (7.7%)
On a phone - votes: 179 (1.2%)
There were 14560 total votes.
The poll ended: January 28th 2012

As expected, people prefer the printed volume. However, the digital version is getting more popular it seems!
Posted by lambchopsil on 
January 28th 10:23am
Comments ( 15 )  
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» alidan on January 28th, 2012, 3:10pm

anything yuri... i hate all the angst crap that is in manga, and all the easy decisions that take a normal person all of 5 minutes to figure out, but somehow manga stretches it for a whole series.

at least with same sex, i can understand its harder to make a decision.

and i say yuri because i prefer 2 girls over 2 guys, mainly because most of the 2 guy stuff i find is just... the worst of the generic shoujo crap, and art style all in one series, while yuri even when its in the shoujo style doesn't come off as generic.


» FullArmageddon on January 28th, 2012, 3:19pm

I completely agree with alidan. Yuri is my favorite romance genre.

As far as hetero goes, my favorite type of romance is between a human male and non-human female (demon, angel, vampire, deity (Holo), lamia, etc).


» brigee88 on January 28th, 2012, 3:27pm

Really I tend to think that yaoi has some of the most amazing art but yaoi does zero for me/don't read it.

I understand what you're saying about making a situation drag on too long. I see this across genres (eechi, shoujo, seinen) And I'm like dang get on with it. But I think manga does mimic real life and some times things take time. I don't want to read about perfect people all the time.


» MatrixM on February 2nd, 2012, 10:37pm

Two of my favourite romances are Sasameki Koto and Girl Friends.


» brigee88 on January 28th, 2012, 3:16pm

I completely avoid incest/bootleg incest(Hot Gimmick.) I tend to avoid childhood friend romances as well. Not big on best friend ones either. But it can work really well Princess is amazing.
The others are all about the same it just tends on the level of story telling of what i like.


» uzumakiwalid on January 28th, 2012, 7:43pm

While I approve all romance(execpt yaoi), what i want to see the most is love between your average man and seemingly unattainable idol.Like one of Katsu Aki's work. Love that starting with meeting someone new seems not bad considering flexible ending that will happen between characters. FYI i have seen lots of series that contain at least one in the list.


» uzumakiwalid on January 28th, 2012, 7:45pm

Whoops typo


» Milleniummaster18 on January 28th, 2012, 10:49pm

Rival romance, when done right, can be one of the most passionate ones out there in story making. But, of course, that's just my opinion.


» H62U on January 29th, 2012, 6:42am

What are manga where it's done right?
I'd like to read some.


» cl123 on January 29th, 2012, 9:11am

For me, Basara by Yumi Tamura is the most epic romance that I have read in manga. The two main characters in love could be described as rivals. (when I voted for rivals I was thinking of this manga).


» redlinks on January 28th, 2012, 11:38pm

personally, I enjoy all the above in the poll options. I hate yuri and hentai though. BL is alright but I mainly prefer guy-girl romance. ^^;


» A Black Dude on January 29th, 2012, 1:26am

dont really care as long as its senien or mature.


» yuno19 on February 3rd, 2012, 3:47am

agree with the content of your comment. not on title.
what a 5 years old possibly knows about romance? did you mean 12 to 15?
are you a troll? or just retarded?


» 0oKat~0 on January 29th, 2012, 6:34am

No particular favorite, but I'm a little biased against yuri.

After a while, all those different types of romance just starts to blend together, you know? Especially if you are reading shoujo. Most of the time, when you are a couple of volumes into the series, you kinda forget what kind of romance the whole thing started off with, since most of it gives you the same kind of feelings.


» xblkdragonx on January 31st, 2012, 9:18pm

I don't usually care about the genre usually. As long as it's done well, I don't quite care. However, I do have a soft-spot for tragedy or not-so-happy but poignant romances, but these are far and few in between. When I can't find tragedy, I drift towards comedy more. Unnecessary drama angst/drama, love-triangle just doesn't do it for me :\
