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by darknova42 on October 19th, 2008, 5:30am

Rating - 10 / 10.0

User rating of this review - 4.75 out of 5
Story/Plot - 5 out of 5
Characters - 5 out of 5
Drawing Style - 5 out of 5
Enjoyment - 5 out of 5
Overall - 5 out of 5

Click here for series information

The people in the world of this story are terrorized by horrifying monsters called Youma. The only ones able to stand against them are the Claymores. Half youma themselves, the claymores struggle to retain their humanity fighting against the youma within.

The story focuses on a claymore by the name of Clare and how she deals with events that unfold as she works towards her own goals.

Each character that appears in the story has it's own unique personality. That personality doesn't remain stagnant, it develops and changes just like a real personality would. The character development in this manga is top notch, its part of what makes this manga simply amazing.

Drawing Style
Beautiful. That word pales to accurately describe the art work. The drawing style is unlike normal manga, and add that to the detailed work in the scenery and the characters themselves. Its a feast for the eyes. If only all manga were drawn this well..

Enjoy isn't strong enough of a word. I started this manga and I couldn't stop reading and wanting more of it. The story itself makes you want to see what happens next. I was truely sad when I ran out of chapters to read, and if this series ends I'll probably mourn it.

I know you're probably thinking everything I said is exaggerated and biased because I'm a fan of this manga and I really like it. That could be true, but its not unwarrented. This manga is incredible on so many aspects that you'd be stupid not to read it. I'm ashamed of myself for having shyed away from it for as long as I did thinking it would be a bad read.
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No Subject by woot4 on May 1st, 2011, 9:23pm
Rating: 4.75

While I agree with most of the points made, you glossed over several flaws. For one, it gets confusing towards the end. Also, the focus shifts to expand ALL the remaining Claymores, not just Clare (although that's not neccessarily a flaw). I'd put a final rating somewhere around an 8.5, it's got a few tiny flaws, but it's well worth reading.
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