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Member and User Related

Questions, policies, and information related to Member and User Related

I had trouble registering for this site.
I've lost my username or password! Can you send it to me?
Why was my account upgrade request denied?
How can I help this site?
How do I change my username?

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I had trouble registering for this site.

Email trouble? Check your spam box. Hotmail and Yahoo don't like us too much. You must have a valid email to register at MangaUpdates. If you're still having trouble, you can email lambchopsil (lambchopsil ______@t__

Captcha trouble? Just refresh a few times till you get a simple captcha... They're there to keep out the bots. I know they're annoying, but we've had problems in the past.

Other troubles? Email lambchopsil.

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I've lost my username or password! Can you send it to me?

If you've lost your username, you can try to register a new account and PM lambchopsil... That's your best bet. Or you can email him at lambchopsil ______@t__

As for passwords...
No. We don't keep passwords in clear text form. They are hashed and then stored in the database. However, all hope is not lost.

You can use the "forgot password feature" here to try to retrieve your password. However, you must have registered with a valid email address for this to work. Also, that email address must currently be accessible by you.

If you do not still have that email address, you can try registering a new account and then sending a PM to lambchopsil. If you can provide some details about your old account, such as your email address and answers to a few other identifying questions, we will change your password for you.

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Why was my account upgrade request denied?

The biggest reason: You didn't give a good enough reason, or perhaps you gave no reason at all.

It's rather simple, actually. All we're doing is trying to filter out the people who think it gives them access to download manga or are not really intending to help out at all. If this is you, then this is why you were rejected.

The upgraded user accounts only allow people to add series or edit series, publisher, author, etc information. If you don't care about helping out, then please don't request an account upgrade. You don't need it. Not having an upgraded account doesn't restrict any other features from you.

If you really want to have editing privileges, just resubmit your request with a better reason this time. We do read them!

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How can I help this site?

You can help by registering and adding releases to our database (old and new), adding series info where it's missing, adding series, adding authors, adding publishers or correcting the existing information for any of the above.

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How do I change my username?

PM lambchopsil with your request.

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