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News Article
New Poll - Pets
This week's poll was suggested by icassop. Do you current have a pet?

You can submit poll ideas here

Previous Poll Results:
Question: Is Avatar: The Last Airbender an anime or cartoon?
Anime - votes: 645 (17.3%)
Cartoon - votes: 3076 (82.7%)
There were 3721 total votes.
The poll ended: July 9th, 2022 12:11pm PDT

It's not anime, but that's okay. It's a damn good cartoon
Posted by lambchopsil on 
July 9th 12:12pm
Comments ( 11 )  
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Comments (limited to first 100 replies)

» deadphoenix on July 9th, 2022, 2:06pm

Officially I don't have pets, but I just saw some spider sneaking around.


» Karonhioktha on July 9th, 2022, 4:25pm

I have a bird brain. Currently have 1 conure and 2 budgies. I've had many other birds since childhood. I had a cat, dog, and fish once before, but it never worked out.


» Joese on July 9th, 2022, 5:03pm

None (Currently).
I've always liked having animals, but I grew up out of it.
Seeing how currently there are more pet dogs in my country than children, and there's a growing amount of people that wish for them to have even more rights (Law here is already quite strict on people who mistreat animals). I've started to abore this to the point I currently think that having pets for no reason or lots of them is selfish.


» hkanz on July 10th, 2022, 8:09am

No. I had hamsters when I was a kid, but as an adult, the concept of owning a living creature for human enjoyment feels icky to me, especially since pet ownership has environmental costs that affect wild animals.

Quote from Joese
None (Currently).
I've always liked having animals, but I grew up out of it.
Seeing how currently there are more pet dogs in my country than children, and there's a growing amount of people that wish for them to have even more rights (Law here is already quite strict on people who mistreat animals). I've started to abore this to the point I currently think that having pets for no reason or lots of them is selfish.

I once met a woman who was furious because someone kicked her dog after it bit his child. But... it bit his child?!?!


» Xunu on July 9th, 2022, 5:38pm

I have! A male hamster. He is the love of my life. Not a day without him waking me up at 4-5 am to play tho. But I'm succumb to his cuteness, he is my master after all. 😆


» F_J on July 9th, 2022, 6:23pm

I have a cat. An old grumpy grandpa cat lol


» energizerbunny on July 9th, 2022, 10:41pm

Do houseplants count? 😛


» calstine on July 10th, 2022, 1:57am

A cat. He's a real sweetie and as low-effort, high-gain as they come, but with work getting more and more hectic as I climb the ladder, it's mostly my parents or sister who look after him nowadays 😢


» Trimutius on July 11th, 2022, 2:21pm

Right now it is a dog... Though i did have cats in the past too


» Bog Initiate on July 11th, 2022, 3:04pm

I have 7 cats right now and used to have a tortoise before. It died 3 years ago and lived like 40 years.


» YuriM on July 11th, 2022, 6:00pm

My Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps is 17 yo already. Will go to uni soon.
