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New Poll - COVID-19
Our member Nekomikoto suggested a poll about your situation with COIVD-19. Stay safe out there!

You can submit poll ideas here

Previous Poll Results:
Question: Where do you usually read your manga?
While commuting / traveling - votes: 53 (1.2%)
In the bathroom - votes: 43 (1%)
Other - votes: 76 (1.8%)
On a chair, not in front of a desk / table - votes: 100 (2.3%)
On the floor - votes: 76 (1.8%)
On the couch / sofa - votes: 446 (10.3%)
On the bed - votes: 2234 (51.8%)
At a desk / table - votes: 1282 (29.7%)
There were 4310 total votes.
The poll ended: June 19th 2020

A bed is more popular than a desk or table? That's surprising!
Posted by lambchopsil on 
June 20th 12:01am
Comments ( 21 )  
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» residentgrigo on June 20th, 2020, 12:06am

I don't have it and none of my family members or friends have it so far.


» VawX on June 20th, 2020, 3:42am

Someone in my office had it but I never met her mmm...


» Trimutius on June 20th, 2020, 5:35am

Well yeah didn't contract it even though i am in the middle of NYC. My family are mostly in Toronto and didn't get it either.
But considering how many members of this website spend their time in bed reading manga, we are all probably good at isolating ourselves and not going outside...


» licorice on June 20th, 2020, 6:26am

I don't have it and none of my family members or friends have it so far. We'll see about this second wave.


» calstine on June 20th, 2020, 6:37am

Are we really gonna get honest answers to this poll? The first three options seem made for trolling.

Anyway, mine is: I don't have it and none of my family members or friends have it so far. (Hope I didn't just jinx ourselves with that!)


» dreamer00013 on June 20th, 2020, 11:22am

Super careful so we don't get it! Family member and his SO got it though nearly from the start, they immediately isolated themselves.

Stay safe everyone!


» Draggador on June 20th, 2020, 11:36am

Anyone who has COVID-19 right now, we hope that you'll get well soon! Everyone else, we hope that you are safe!

I usually crave adventurous experiences but a pandemic is definitely not one of them & so far my family, including me, seems to have dodged the bullets.


» Aremon on June 20th, 2020, 12:13pm

"I don't have it and none of my family members or friends have it so far"... as far as I know... 🤨


» kurotaito on June 20th, 2020, 12:32pm

I don't have it, but I know a family member or friend who does/did have it

I know two friends who have it, another friend both their parents got it, and some elderly neighbors in my late grandparents neighborhood have it.

Since I know so many people with it, I find it strange that more of you don't. Honestly, some of the people I mentioned didn't tell me till they recovered or literally had to say their reasons for their absence and lack of work. It kinda makes sense why people might not know.

People stay safe, keep distance, and wash hands.


» zarlan on June 20th, 2020, 7:21pm

Either had a very mild case, or a very mild common cold.
I have family that has definitely had it.
I really hate all this, and long for when things return to normal.


» Acayaba on June 20th, 2020, 7:28pm

My brother had it even though we are trying to be as isolated as possible, thankfully he only had a light fever, and he is fine now.

A distant cousin also had it. He is okay now, but it was a close call.

A friend's uncle had it. Sadly he passed away 4 days after he went to the hospital.

Another friend's sister had it. She is okay now.

And finally my cousin's grandad also has it. And his situation is critical. We heard on thursday that his kidneys had stopped working. As of now I dont know how he is doing.


» mikako17 on June 20th, 2020, 8:02pm

Think my partner had it, he lost his sense of taste and smell, but unsure I have had it since he got the symptoms almost two weeks after after I visited him and we were basically isolating ourselves by then and I would have had the mildest case of it ever.


» YeyiTanemon on June 20th, 2020, 8:43pm

My friend's uncle had it. He was in a very critical condition (he was intubated) but he recovered.
My sister has a friend, that friend has a sister and his boyfriend died bc of it.
2 neighbors who lived some blocks aways died bc of that.


» kuchra on June 20th, 2020, 9:40pm

A manga reader cannot die until he finishes his backlog.


» DandelionLilyPetals on June 21st, 2020, 1:31am

Quote from kuchra
A manga reader cannot die until he finishes his backlog.

Damn, the dedication is real.

I don't have it, but I know a family member or friend who does/did have it. Glad they recovered. I hope you all stay safe! ♡


» residentgrigo on June 21st, 2020, 10:20pm

Quote from kuchra
A manga reader cannot die until he finishes his backlog.

I did this a decade ago. My only backlogs are with comics but it is very manageable and my game backlog can be counted on one hand outside of new releases. I look forward to new releases instead.


» HikaruYami on June 21st, 2020, 6:21am

I'm not literally 100% sure, but I put I don't have it, but I know a family member or friend who does/did have it

See, my whole family got flu shots in the fall, but my parents and sister (who live near each other but nowhere near me) around late March came down with flu-like symptoms that lasted about a week each and were pretty bad, but not enough for hospitalization. The thing is, they live in a state that was still doing extremely, extremely poor testing at the time, so none of them ever got tested even though they saw doctors about it.

So I'm pretty sure my immediate family has had it, and therefore that seemed like the fairest answer. They'll know for sure once antibody tests are readily available in their state.

A manga reader cannot die until he finishes his backlog.

I don't have a "backlog" per se because I aggressively catch up to anything I read, but I'll be damned if I die before One Piece ends.


» hkanz on June 21st, 2020, 8:06am

Very few cases here, so I have no friends or family members who have gotten it. We’re lucky in that way but it’s hard to imagine the path forwards without a vaccine.


» mallika23 on June 21st, 2020, 10:48am

Thankfully none of my family and friends caught the covid-19, including me. Though around two months ago my lecturer was admitted to the hospital, and from the rapid test she might caught covid. And thankfully, I heard she has already out from the hospital.

I'm from Indonesia, and currently I can't go back to my hometown since there are some papers needed to travel outside the city now since the covid, and I have to pay for the test to prove myself healthy.

I hope we can get this through eventually.


» SKyz007 on June 21st, 2020, 1:57pm

I've voted for "I don't have it and none of my family members or friends have it so far", but... Well, the thing is that I don't know anyone who had it, but there are lots of cases in my city, I work face to face with the public, and like me, part of my family and friends do the same. Maybe we are lucky, but we haven't done a Covid test, so who knows if we've been infected or not.


» BlueHaro on June 24th, 2020, 6:03pm

I've had multiple coworkers die from it. Please stay safe everyone. 😢
