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New Poll - Platonic vs. Romantic
This week's poll focuses on specific relationships, as suggested by Kitsu-pon. Not what kind of relationship you're in, but what do you prefer reading? In case you don't know what "platonic" means, a dictionary says "intimate and affectionate but not sexual."

You can submit poll ideas here (and try to keep them manga/anime-related). We also welcome holiday-related poll ideas!

Previous Poll Results:
Question: Do you get annoyed by bad grammar / spelling in scanlations?
Definitely annoyed! - votes: 5149 (36%)
It's just a little distracting - votes: 6936 (48.5%)
I'm okay with it - votes: 1819 (12.7%)
I don't notice any mistakes - votes: 338 (2.4%)
I don't read scanlations - votes: 64 (0.4%)
There were 14306 total votes.
The poll ended: December 15th 2012

One of our more popular polls in recent times. Since most people find it at least a little distracting, I think this poll is sending a message to all the scanlators out there that proofreading the script is a must!
Posted by lambchopsil on 
December 15th 10:14am
Comments ( 17 )  
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» Badkarma on December 15th, 2012, 11:00am

Hilariously narrow-minded poll.


» voraciouszest on December 15th, 2012, 12:03pm

Agreed. So many different factors would impact the choice - character, setting, plot, genre, the particular type of romantic relationship, the gender of the characters...

For me, it's a mixture of all factors, but mostly has to do with the type of romantic relationship, how heavily the story focuses on it and the quality of the work. For instance, I really detest shoujo/shounen manga with a storyline centred around romantic relationships. I'd rather tear my eyes out than read 20 volumes of vacuous will-they-won't-they horse crap.

If we're talking about romantic relationships as a major storyline, my answer would be "No relationships at all" unless we're talking about yaoi... >.>


» treint on December 15th, 2012, 11:17am

How is it narrow-minded in the slightest?


» calstine on December 15th, 2012, 12:17pm

I don't think the poll is so much narrow-minded as it is unnecessary. The conclusion is foregone: romantic wins. I voted for platonic, but, eh...I know a losing battle when I see one. It's becoming more difficult by the day to find anything, in any medium, that doesn't place tremendous importance on sex.


» achyif on December 15th, 2012, 12:29pm

Well... I guess you could say I'm one of the minority who doesn't really like romance in my stories


» uzumakiwalid on December 15th, 2012, 12:55pm

Well, in this poll clearly romance will win. But i wonder what's in the mind of people that choose no relationships? I know that at least there will be a relationship in manga, and it's either platonic or romantic or both. FYI i'm not insulting those that don't like platonic or romantic relationships in a manga, just wondering. That's all


» That3rdGuy on December 15th, 2012, 1:16pm

Romance. As it is, many of the "platonic" relationships border on romance from my point of view. All this crap about "precious" people gets annoying. I'd never call a friend precious because that sounds like I'm in love with them. I only love myself. It's a trait that my friends put up with biggrin
Anywho, romance is much more interesting. Unless it's innocent. Boring! If I'm going to get all invested in a romance, I want some meat to it. Not some childish love story based around awkwardness and misunderstandings. I ain't 8. And no jealousy elements. That shit doesn't sit well with me.
I'm not too interested in all the super great friendship crap. It's overrated. And in manga, it seems like these boys have many repressed sexual feelings for each other. Washing eachother's backs and shit. Gross. none
No relationships would be odd. I can't really think of any manga where there weren't any relationships made or already existing. confused


» crazyboutcute on December 15th, 2012, 5:21pm

"Anywho, romance is much more interesting."

You think so, huh? You must not have read many good non-romance mangas, then.

I voted platonic, although really, I'm down with any kind of relationship in manga as long as it doesn't become a plot tumor. Since romantic relationships have the highest chance of this, I tend to avoid series where romance is a big focus. Aside from that, platonic relationships, I think, are really beautiful and seriously underrated, and sex and sexual relationships tend to be way hyped up, in my opinion. Of course, sexual and romantic relationships can be really strong and beautiful; by no means am I denying that. But isn't the ability to love someone without any physical attraction also beautiful?

These are some of my favorite non-romance mangas that have great examples of nonsexual relationships:

Pandora Hearts: There are so many different types of relationships in this series, but the master-servant (though more like best friends) relationship between Gil and Oz is really beautiful. Their devotion to each other is extremely touching and has allowed them to overcome countless obstacles.

Fullmetal Alchemist: The bond between brothers Ed and Al is a great example of familial love. These two have been through hell and back together, yet their relationship always remains strongly intact. A benefit of their familial bond is that they can fight with each other or disagree, and yet they always remain connected.

Natsume Yuujinchou: This manga is deliberately non-romantic but is all about forming relationships. There's so much here that it would take ages to examine all of the relationships presented in this manga, but there's a good many of them, all of which are significant in some way.

Anyway, there are loads of other examples in manga, but you get the idea. Personally, I'd like to see more portrayals of different types of relationships, but I suppose that's why I'm a picky reader! bigrazz For me, my strongest relationships are with my family and my best friends. Heterosexual Life Partners FTW!! laugh


» Rukia168 on December 15th, 2012, 5:45pm

Though I prefer romantic manga, I enjoy reading about platonic relationships too.


» averyk on December 15th, 2012, 5:50pm

I prefer manga to have at least a little romance since it normally helps better the story.But, I would have to say that it depends on story plot and all.


» Akillarian on December 15th, 2012, 7:01pm

Ambiguous relationships.


» mysstris on December 16th, 2012, 2:08am

Platonic. I like reading shoujos but there's just something about friendship that's more amazing. sometimes love just ruin things.....It's like those couples you think "cutest couple that never was" but if you actually think about it, it's best not to be a couple =)

I have read platonic mangas but there are some border romance in it. But mangas where platonic relationships shine through, it just feels more precious =)

But in terms of romantic relationships....i prefer more platonic romance mangas where sex is less of a plot is an overrated motif b/c it's so common and makes mangas more superficial imo....then again it depends on what kind of manga you read.

But in general for sex being overrated plot thickener for romance mangas...
For shoujos...yeah...overrated
For seinen, it feels different...idk why but it just is.
For josei, as long as its not harlequin, it'll have a different and less petty touch (the more slice of life kind of joseis that is)


» kujika on December 16th, 2012, 1:13pm

Narrow-minded. Agreed.

Both. As long as it is not stupidly dramatic, interesting and has well-developed characters any kind of relationship goes.

EDIT: Woops miss-clicked, I wanted to reply to the thread in general laugh


» sudsong on December 17th, 2012, 5:03am

I've had nothing but platonic love all me life.
Do you know what I say? F*ck Plato

Christy Brown in the movie "My Left Foot"


» KaoriNite on December 17th, 2012, 6:08am

seeing as i'm obsessed with yaoi, of course i'm going to choose romance. but romance has to be done right. i agree with @That3rdGuy that i'm tired of romances revolving around misunderstandings and insecurities. to me, those are just the go to cliches of unimaginative writers.

but i do value platonic relationships. i think that they are often overlooked, and romantic relationships are given the priority. but i really love reading about the ups and downs of friendships, as long as it isn't cliched.


» Oddwaffle on December 17th, 2012, 7:59am

Platonic relationships in stories and such are like snacks. It's fun to have and you should always snack to enjoy it. Romance is like the main course in the relationship. You can survive with snacks alone but you will probably drool for the main course. Having more than 1 main course and you will find yourself getting really stuffed.

The sex is more like desert. It's always good when you get it at the right moment. However, too much of it and you will feel the story has no substance. Not having it at all is still alright as long as you can keep the main course going.


» BlackOrion on December 19th, 2012, 11:44pm

Sometimes one sometimes another, i will be surprised to find a person who had always had the same tastes.


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