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New Poll - Precognition
This week's poll was suggested by jacob66. Let's say you die in some world catastrophe (zombie apocalypse, meteor, nuclear war, COVID-19, etc) but are magically transported back into the past by a few years. How would you live your life knowing what's coming?

You can submit poll ideas here

Previous Poll Results:
Question: When should English releases be localized differently between English-speaking regions (e.g., US English vs UK English with spelling differences, slang, cultural phrases, etc)?
If it affects the the reader's understanding of the plot - votes: 943 (32.5%)
Never - votes: 473 (16.3%)
No opinion - votes: 626 (21.5%)
If it affects the tone of the story - votes: 629 (21.7%)
Wherever possible - votes: 234 (8.1%)
There were 2905 total votes.
The poll ended: July 18th 2020

I had a good laugh with someone's comment on the Queen's English
Posted by lambchopsil on 
July 18th 11:40am
Comments ( 13 )  
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Comments (limited to first 100 replies)

» KaoriNite on July 18th, 2020, 2:34pm

I'd try to have as much fun as possible. I don't think I could prevent the catastrophe. Given how some people are currently handling the Covid pandemic, and how people are still reluctant to make major changes to address climate change, I doubt I could get people to believe me or care enough to actually prevent it. For the second option, depending on what the catastrophe is, there might not be much you can do to prepare for it. And whenever I watch one of those end of world movies, I always ask myself if it's really worth the trouble to try to be one of the few survivors to live in a world where society has crumbled and most other people have died. So fun it is 😀


» Trimutius on July 18th, 2020, 6:05pm

Knowing that i am unlikely to be able to actually prevent it i will do all that i can... So prepare better is probably more correct.


» Shalesia27 on July 18th, 2020, 8:46pm

I'd try to prevent it from happening; no matter how small of a chance I have at succeeding. I got a second chance at life, so I might as well make the most of it. Plus there's no way I can see myself keeping that type of knowledge to myself. Especially since what killed me will most likely kill my family and friends. It's worth a shot. Whether my efforts save the world or a few hundred more people in the long run... I don't think I could live with myself if I knew some world shattering catastrophe was around the corner and I used that knowledge just to save my own skin or wasted it.


» dreamer00013 on July 19th, 2020, 3:04am

Why not prepare and try to prevent it both? First plan is preventing - but it depends on what, exactly, causes the catastrophe and if I know enough to change it, or even have a chance to prevent it.
Second plan is preparing for it, which, depending on the cause of the issue, may be the only thing I can do. Really depends on what happens, really. But I can always give preventing a try first!


» calstine on July 21st, 2020, 7:07am

Quote from dreamer00013
Why not prepare and try to prevent it both? First plan is preventing - but it depends on what, exactly, causes the catastrophe and if I know enough to change it, or even have a chance to prevent it.
Second plan is preparing for it, which, depending on the cause of the issue, may be the only thing I ...

This is the perfect answer, I think.


» residentgrigo on July 19th, 2020, 3:41am

Let the catastrophe happen but try to prepare better and live through it.
Can One Person prevent the Australian bushfire, Hurricane Katrina, the Eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD or that meteor that might have killed the dinosaurs? 100% no. And that's why you try to get away from it and maybe save some lives in the process. Uprooting your life is enough of an endeavor already. You could also just die randomly regardless. The plot of Final Destination.

World Catastrophes are bigger than one person. The Marvel heroes failed to stop 9/11 for example. Impossible with 2020 as the current year in the 616 universe but once canon:
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» mallika23 on July 19th, 2020, 10:34am

From the examples you give, this catastrophy might be unavoidable. So my choice is just let it happen, but I'll prepare something to live through it. I won't prevent it and might not be able to, but I can minimalize the damage..

Unless it's a mess where my life suddenly has turned upside down, and it's something preventable. If that was like in many other isekai stories I would give it my all to prevent it from happening.


» SNOWBY on July 20th, 2020, 12:28am

This is 2020.

We're all already living like that.



» CancerSnatcher on July 20th, 2020, 3:03pm

I'd try to prevent it. There's no reason not to if given the opportunity, and in the case that I fail I still have a chance to prepare better afterwards.


» toprak on July 20th, 2020, 3:11pm

I would do whatever do I want.


» MaxieMan on July 21st, 2020, 6:20am

I've read enough manga to know that trying to prevent it will likely just end in me causing it in the first place in some weird time-loop shenanigans. I'll just do what I can to survive if I want to change the future.


» hkanz on July 23rd, 2020, 8:36pm

It would depend on the nature of the catastrophe. I’m assuming that I wouldn’t be able to prevent it, but if it rendered the world virtually unliveable (like, a zombie apocalypse...) I probably wouldn’t bother trying to live past d-day either and would just have fun.


» Trejon on July 24th, 2020, 3:56pm

Well... That will depend A LOT on who you were before dying. IF can go back to the past as i am, there will be nothing i would be able to do to prevent the CCP Virus from happening for example, as that thing has been in the labs in china for a decade or more.
But if i can get a cheat, then its a different story
