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New Poll - Manga Magazines
This week's poll is from our admin lynira. It deals with manga magazines that usually have single chapters of many different series. Could be something like Newtype, Shounen Jump, or Otaku USA (to list some English ones in the US). Or maybe you got some Japanese magazines? Magazines have been on the decline for years now, but hey, what's wrong with a poll about it?

You can submit poll ideas here (and try to keep them manga/anime-related)

Previous Poll Results:
Question: In terms of mortality, I'd rather...
Be immortal (no death from natural causes, but external forces can kill) - votes: 3698 (29.5%)
Be invincible (safe from external forces, but aging, sickness, etc can kill) - votes: 2183 (17.4%)
Be immortal and invincible (basically live forever) - votes: 4475 (35.7%)
Be mortal (real life) - votes: 2182 (17.4%)
There were 12538 total votes.
The poll ended: March 1st 2014

Malcolm Gladwell has stated that you need 10,000 hours to become an expert at something. This equates to about 20 hours a week for 10 years. If you could live forever, you'd have the chance to become an expert at so many things! Or you could take the wildest concoction of drugs without any regrets...
Posted by lambchopsil on 
March 1st 12:11am
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» destroyer_ck on March 1st, 2014, 12:18am

i used to be buy one, but not anymore.
i feel "cheated", since the tankoubon is actually already out there.
so i only buy tankoubon now.

I eman, manga magazine suppose to give the latest chapter, because it's not enough to beccome a book yet.
But, how do you feel if the magazine consist of chapters that you know coming from a tankoubon that has been released over than 2 years?


» Knightzomegaz on March 1st, 2014, 12:46am

Not sure,
I bought magazines before that are about some new anime/(?)manga(?)
Does this count?..


» SilverStorm on March 1st, 2014, 12:54am

I used to, but then since most of the time half of the magazine would be something I didn't really like, I stopped. It was financially more worthwhile just to buy the volume of the series I was following (took up less space too). I do miss them color page spreads that weren't available in the volume version though.


» TundraDweller on March 1st, 2014, 4:52am

There are a few factors that obstruct me. First, I have no spare money to spend on my hobbies/interests. Second, they are not available locally. Ordering from abroad means higher prices, which is money I don't have, yet. I don't want them in my own language, English is just fine. So, if I had the money and the magazines were easily accessible and within the acceptable price range, I'd buy my favorites.


» Dionaea on March 3rd, 2014, 12:58pm

+1 on this. This is the exact situation I'm in. sad


» verganda on March 7th, 2014, 6:17am

same here


» Chocolate Chip on March 1st, 2014, 5:30am

The main reason I don't buy them is because I can't stand the smell of the ink.


» deadphoenix on March 1st, 2014, 7:30am

The limited magazines that come out in my country have most of the time outdated information.
I used to buy those magazines in the past.

But, the Internet gives that information much faster than those magazines ( they're with at least 3 to 10 year late).
Mangaupdates, anidb and AnimenewsNetwork are much faster with the info. Even wikipedia and wikia can be included.


» xxmichellexx27f on March 1st, 2014, 7:54am

I used to... ;-; but the authors I liked are pretty much inactive, and I don't really like the newcomers style...
I have several ones in japanese, but not like I can read them actually. It's just the urge to read spoiler back then. In my country, they shift the japanese ones about 3 weeks after it come out in japan. While the translated ones by the same magz title. Are managed separately, and the manga can still be ongoing, OR from years back..


» asdfffdsa on March 1st, 2014, 8:17am

No, not a chance. I hate owning so many physical things, regardless of whether or not it's a movie, book, game, or comic. In fact if there were an eReader that was large enough and wasn't so needlessly limited and locked down as the ones are today, I'd get rid of all of my textbooks too (novels and such are already in digital form). If I needed to buy physical copies of manga in order to read it, I probably wouldn't read it at all.

But fairly priced digital copies of manga that can be downloaded with ease, in an open format, and without DRM? I'd definitely be up for that.


» licorice on March 1st, 2014, 8:38am

I buy one magazine that is published 3 times a year and it costs less than two tankōbons. There's only one series I don't read so it's worthwhile (to me) to continue purchasing.


» Here_And_Now on March 1st, 2014, 12:29pm

Not interested, if only because there aren't enough manga I read that come from the same magazine. If I had the money I would buy digital volumes of some of the series I love to read.


» Nirhtuc on March 1st, 2014, 11:12pm

Good poll this week too! I picked the last option- I doubt there are entire magazines of my preferred genre in English, so sadly, there's no point in buying manga magazines- I do buy manga though...


» KaoriNite on March 2nd, 2014, 1:29am

I was so excited to visit a manga shop now that I'm in Japan. But the excitement quickly faded when I remembered 1) I can't read Japanese 2) manga aren't cheap and 3) why would I want to buy a magazine that just has one chapter of random manga. If I'm going to buy manga, it'd prefer the actual volumes, and not just one chapter.


» tactics on March 2nd, 2014, 2:23am

Not interested.


» sophie0 on March 4th, 2014, 1:25pm

I suscribe to one magazine because I don't want to wait for the tankobon, and I always buy two BL anthologies. That way I also get to read stories I wuldn't necessarily try out as a tankobon.
If there was a simple way to buy them digitally, I might buy more - the biggest downside is the expensive shipping cost.


» mysstris on March 5th, 2014, 1:09am

No, the english published manga magazines are useless to me since 90% of it isn't worth purchasing just for the 10% I want to read. I'd rather read by the volume. I used to so I regret wasting money on it (they're uselessly piled up in a box somewhere in my room).

I'd prefer it is scanlators would pick that up (buying by the volume) if they're not very good with completing a project because often times, the reason for projects ending up getting dropped (in my opinion) is because they take on a bunch from a magazine and eventually it gets lost when trying to get money to buy subscriptions. It just seems like a better guarantee to just do it by the volume. That way, (1) you'd probably be able to finish it with quicker speed and (2) if it's an ongoing manga, you have a good excuse to make readers wait a few months before a new chapter is released. Also, the volumes are a more completed work since the mangaka makes changes and can make it more detailed whereas a magazine may get rushed and have less details....Yeah that's just a little bit of my two cents-it seems so much easier and logical for those types of scanlating groups. There's one group I've been eyeing for a long time and I get so annoyed about their HUGE list of incomplete (over one hundred for just "active" projects) and they keep adding more to it because they scan by magazines and not by volumes....such a waste...


» darkraiders on March 6th, 2014, 5:26pm

I would buy if there was more manga here.
In like 20 years the only manga i saw for sales was Dragonball and Naruto.


» Damnedman on March 6th, 2014, 6:03pm

Not interested. If I buy something, I would want to keep/archive it. Magazines are for consumption and are meant to be disposed after usage, so the paper quality/binding tend to be awful. Moreover, I rather not search through the magazines when I want to read something.


» lynira on March 7th, 2014, 5:20pm

I've been hearing for a while that manga magazines are struggling with poor sales, so I wasn't expecting that so many people would actually buy magazines if they were available (almost 40% of people!). The number of people who currently buy is as low as expected, though. I feel a little bad, but I'm one of the people who has no interest in buying them.

Magazines certainly do give you a lot of chapters for your money, but I'm not interested in them at all for many reasons, most being about my silly reading habits.
1.) I can't stand only reading one chapter at a time and then waiting. I want to read a few volumes at once, but most magazines make you wait a week or even a month between chapters... no need to put myself through that frustration.
2.) Magazines feature ongoing series, but I prefer to read completed series, because then I can read the whole series in a short span of time.
3.) Even if I didn't mind waiting days between chapters, I prefer to only actively read one series at once, so the way magazines feature a dozen or so series at once is not good for me--I'd buy the magazine for one series, and the rest would just be a waste (both of paper and of money).
4.) Even if I did like to read more than one series at once, there's no way I'd like all of the series featured, so again, part of the magazine would be a waste.
5.) Even if I were to like something enough to buy magazine issues to read it, I'd also like it enough to go buy the tankoubon volumes, so then I'd have paid twice for one thing (waste of money).
6.) Some magazines pepper extremely obnoxious call-out text throughout the chapter, which I absolutely can't stand. You can tell it's the magazine, because the call-outs don't appear in the tankoubon. They're things like "So-and-so is on the ropes!! The outcome of this battle is!?" and "The culprit was actually so-and-so!? No one can say a word!!" and even "Gonna get you!!" that not only sound stupid, but that also treat the reader like a complete moron, because they spell out what the scene in the manga has already made 100% obvious.
