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New Poll - How Long Would You Live?
This week's poll was suggested by jacob66. How long would you want to live? Let's assume you're the only one who can live this long, so your friends and children would live normal lifespans.

You can submit poll ideas here

Previous Poll Results:
Question: Do you think that manga is misjudged and/or misunderstood in Western countries?
Yes - votes: 2251 (73.8%)
No - votes: 799 (26.2%)
There were 3050 total votes.
The poll ended: June 18th, 2022 9:07am PDT

It's gotten better and is part of popular culture now, but there's still misunderstanding
Posted by lambchopsil on 
June 18th 9:13am
Comments ( 16 )  
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Comments (limited to first 100 replies)

» residentgrigo on June 18th, 2022, 10:37am

Until life gets boring


» Akkun005 on July 4th, 2022, 8:41pm

Agree with it


» vigorousjammer on June 18th, 2022, 1:30pm

Not voting on this poll, that typo is wiggin' me out. 🤣


» mallika23 on June 19th, 2022, 3:18am

I notice that too, and about to say similar things. 🤣
(Though, I vote "Until life gets boring" since I think forever would be too daring.)


» VawX on June 18th, 2022, 7:50pm

"Until life gets boring" is such a boring answer, but the only one that kinda fit the question besides forever mmm...


» toshirodragon on June 18th, 2022, 8:34pm

Long enough to learn when not to use apostrophes...


» darkraiders on June 18th, 2022, 9:25pm

Honestly, for the longest time I hoped to die before I start getting weaker. So my ideal age to die would be between 40-50 years old.


» Trimutius on June 19th, 2022, 4:31am

Quote from darkraiders
Honestly, for the longest time I hoped to die before I start getting weaker. So my ideal age to die would be between 40-50 years old.

That is why question is what if you don't get weaker... So yeah for me it is until life gets boring....


» Psyko_Freac on June 19th, 2022, 5:26am

For those who say "Until life gets boring" be aware it can be a monkey's paw wish. You might just have a boring day tomorrow. >: )

I voted "Forever" because with enough time passing, the world would be advanced enough to make suspended animation possible. Whenever that happens would certainly be before life exhausts all possible interest so if there's really nothing left to look forward to, I can just go to sleep. =w=


» Trimutius on June 19th, 2022, 7:08pm

Quote from Psyko_Freac
For those who say "Until life gets boring" be aware it can be a monkey's paw wish. You might just have a boring day tomorrow. >: )

I voted "Forever" because with enough time passing, the world would be advanced enough to make suspended animation possible. Whenever that happens ...

Well problem is during heat death of universe suspended animation wouldn't work... And then you float in uniform goo forever with no way to die. Though yeah rather than being boring i would say until i decided ro end my life myself which probably not inat least another trillion years or so...


» Alimeru on June 19th, 2022, 8:30pm

Quote from Psyko_Freac
For those who say "Until life gets boring" be aware it can be a monkey's paw wish. You might just have a boring day tomorrow. >: )

This only applies if we're operating under the assumption that some kind of supernatural force is going to take you out as soon as the thought "wow what a boring day" pops into your head.

Being bored for a day =/= being bored of life.

This does point out a fundamental flaw in the poll, though. Do any/all of these options involve an invulnerability clause? If so, does the "Until life gets boring" option mean you would be the only one who can end your own life when you get bored of it? Or does an aforementioned supernatural force take you out when it senses you've had enough?

Additionally, if this invulnerability clause does in fact apply, then "Forever" would be a truly terrible choice. Trimutius already mentioned the heat death of the universe so I won't get into it any further lol


» alidan on June 23rd, 2022, 10:34pm

I take 'till live gets boring' as the more polite way of saying 'till I decide to end it myself'


» YuriM on June 19th, 2022, 10:42am

Looks like someone reads @Merryweatherey twitter


» Joese on June 20th, 2022, 4:06am

Until life gets boring.
Forever is also tempting, but if the world gets destroyed or or somehow get confined somewhere it would be horrible. The same goes with the rest so the only option left was that one. 😕


» HikaruYami on June 22nd, 2022, 7:11am

I think the correct answer is probably "until life gets boring" but I picked Forever because my fear of death is simply too strong. I say this knowing that I am super privileged to have never experienced torture.

I at least want to live to see the collision of the andromeda galaxy with the milky way from the inside in a billion years.

I can imagine regretting being unable to die by the heat death of the universe within 10^106 years, which is an incomprehensibly long time from now and would probably drive me insane even without a physiological decay of my mind and body. But the thing about going insane is that it's at least possible to recover from in theory, unlike death, *particularly* if there's a guarantee of my brain not having decayed at all.

And then the real kicker would be if the hypothesized reboot of the universe within every 10^(10^(10^56)) years after heat death is true. Just imagine regaining your sanity after a completely uncountable amount of time and being greeted with new, living cosmology after an incomprehensible amount of time of absolutely nothing. After 13 billion years of the new universe (which would be a blip compared to what you already experienced) you may even be able to find a new planet with sentient life on it and rule it as a god, bringing unimaginable technology and the ideals of civilization to it at a hyper-accelerated rate. Wouldn't that just be so *neat*? The really cool thing in the new universe would be that you'd have so much time to focus on advancing technology beyond anything you encountered in the old universe, you might actually go full "The Last Question" by Asimov and learn how to build a device that uses all of the available energy in the universe to reverse entropy yourself.

Anyway it's impossible to know how things would go so "Forever" just felt like my own personal answer even though I don't blame anyone who selected "Until life gets boring".


» docdesanta on June 22nd, 2022, 10:23pm

Until I have nothing to look forward to.
