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What is this manga...
(16 posts, 3170 views) Posted: over 11 years ago by Badkarma in I'm Looking For...
(32 posts, 20080 views) Posted: over 11 years ago by Badkarma in Nozoki Ana
And you're still ignoring that I fully acknowledge your definition.

Plus, no, your wrong. "IT'S" not a part of "EVERYONES" definition, since APPARENTLY, this topic was made for a reason, and that this is even a topic to begin with, COMPLETELY discredits that your "THIS IS...
(32 posts, 20080 views) Posted: over 11 years ago by Badkarma in Nozoki Ana
Quote from RS456
All I did was state a clear cut definition of NTR which I happen to read a few days ago in a manga which was about manga.

You did. That's the problem. That's the point you're missing. That's the point you've been missing. This is the point I've been trying ...
(32 posts, 20080 views) Posted: over 11 years ago by Badkarma in Nozoki Ana
Quote from badkarma
Please, think really, REALLY hard about your next post. I will NOT be so forgiving next time. I won't.

You didn't.

You didn't.

You didn't.

YOu DidN't.

You DIDn't.

YoU diDN't.

you DIDN't.


U didn'T.

You DiDn'T.

you didn't


yOU didN't.

YouSISn't ...
(32 posts, 20080 views) Posted: over 11 years ago by Badkarma in Nozoki Ana
Are you fucking kidding me? Did I, or did I NOT already have this conversation with you via PM's? Are you seriously bringing this dumbass shit up again?

Nozoki Ana contains NTR.

The fucking end.

Is it IN-FUCKING-SANELY persuasive, fat-ass, ugly dude with a FUCKING MASSIVE, G...
i do not remember the name...
(3 posts, 440 views) Posted: over 11 years ago by Badkarma in Adult (18+)
Kono Oneesan wa Fiction desu!?

Probably. But it's not hentai so maybe not.
Are all hentai porn
(16 posts, 4468 views) Posted: over 11 years ago by Badkarma in Adult (18+)
Nah, mams has it all wrong.

I was totally talking about Star Wars Hentai. You got it, dude. You know it to be true.



Makes that scene really akward.
Are all hentai porn
(16 posts, 4468 views) Posted: over 11 years ago by Badkarma in Adult (18+)
Borderline H = Light-saber hentai

Specific Manga: Boy saves to buy his sister
(6 posts, 1113 views) Posted: over 11 years ago by Badkarma in I'm Looking For...
Quote from FormX
How did ppl even review this

This is one of those statements one makes when they're reeeeeally tired or not thinking, but then later realizes the obvious answer and thinks to themselves, "Ohhhhhhhh... right. What was I thinking?"

It happens, and to be fair, ...
Is Anyone Out There
(6 posts, 918 views) Posted: over 11 years ago by Badkarma in Chatter Box
Is there anyone out there who believes black cats give you bad luck?

drink powerthirst
Your opinion about the End of the World!
(45 posts, 5250 views) Posted: over 11 years ago by Badkarma in Chatter Box
Frankly, people scare me more than any celestial presence, sentient or otherwise.
The Epic Search for a Female Seme.
(6 posts, 3091 views) Posted: over 11 years ago by Badkarma in I'm Looking For...
Quote from shadowspark2
I'm not completely sure it counts, but Felicia from the Legend of Maian might fit the category.

Chapter 41. No.

If raping your object of affection with a knife counts, Karakasa no Saien. No, I didn't mistype. She doesn't rape him at knife-point, she r...
New Poll - Platonic vs. Romantic
(17 posts, 6875 views) Posted: over 11 years ago by Badkarma in News
Hilariously narrow-minded poll.
Can you tell me where this is from?
(2 posts, 3134 views) Posted: over 11 years ago by Badkarma in Adult (18+)
Google says Inbi Temptation, which is a collection of oneshots. The oneshot in question is as kainord says, your standard-issue NTR.

Too short and 'cookie-cutter' to rage at. Then again, I don't rage at NTR to begin with; I find them hilarious.
Is it Worth it?
(12 posts, 2007 views) Posted: over 11 years ago by Badkarma in Fairy Tail
A-Are you joking?

Dude, you can drop the politically correct bullshit; it makes you sound phony.

I mean, come on... you mean to tell me that you've read ONE-HUNDRED AND FIFTY chapters and you think THATS too early for you to judge? Three to four years worth of chapters and ...
non porn hentai
(5 posts, 1974 views) Posted: over 11 years ago by Badkarma in Adult (18+)

Look, hentai revolves around sex. THAT'S what the genre entails. Cartoon sex. If you read a hentai, IT WILL HAVE GRAPHIC SEX.

To begin with, hentai is a term the western world borrowed from Japanese and re-appropriated to describe cartoon ...
...a manga where children can create an "own world"
(3 posts, 514 views) Posted: over 11 years ago by Badkarma in I'm Looking For...
Boku no Tsukuru Sekai.
naruto fight predictions
(12 posts, 1710 views) Posted: over 11 years ago by Badkarma in Naruto
mY prediction is thAt the twO will be frIends.
New Poll - Bad Spelling/Grammar
(81 posts, 16656 views) Posted: over 11 years ago by Badkarma in News
Unless it changes and/or makes me second guess the meaning of the sentence, I don't care. Well, not enough to act like a 'holier-than-thou' whine-bag, anyway.

Honestly, what bothers me more than anything is bad typesetting. You know, like using lowercase letters with a ser...
Are all hentai porn
(16 posts, 4468 views) Posted: over 11 years ago by Badkarma in Adult (18+)
Quote from godlover
I am not confusing doujinshi and hentai.I know that they are completely different.

Jesus Christ, bro. When I'm kind enough to give you a legitimate out, you should take it, even if it's a lie, since now I'm just confused.

But fine.

Here, I JUST found some...
What song are you listening to RIGHT NOW?
(5085 posts, 492952 views) Posted: over 11 years ago by Badkarma in Music
Wow! That's whoooole lotta songs to be listin' to all at the same time! You guys are amazing! I'm not cool enough to do that (I tried; sounded like crap), so I'll just listen to 'Getaway' by Dr. John, solo.

Heard the song playing at a liquor store. Shazamed it. Didn't think ...
This Gif?
(2 posts, 2220 views) Posted: over 11 years ago by Badkarma in I'm Looking For...
Shinsekai Yori.
Can't remember the name
(7 posts, 1177 views) Posted: over 11 years ago by Badkarma in I'm Looking For...
Great topic.

It reminds me... there's this one shoujo I've been looking for. I remember it had this really hot guy taking off his shirt (because it got wet, maybe??) while looking moody. I think there might've been flowers in the background while this was happening...??

Poll Story Part 1
(4 posts, 524 views) Posted: over 11 years ago by Badkarma in Chatter Box
- Realize the ten year old I abducted yesterday and chained to my basement floor FINALLY stopped screaming.

Alas, seeing that this isn't an option, I suppose I'll pick something similar.

-Time To Go To School.
A romance where the protagonist doesn't end up with the main girl.
(7 posts, 1634 views) Posted: over 11 years ago by Badkarma in I'm Looking For...
Reading 'By Chance, We... and...' is kinda like watching Titanic. You pretty much know beforehand the shit's gonna sink, but you watch it anyway stupidly thinking "Dawww... They're soooo cute! How could this ever end badly!? How!?"



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