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Do you owe your parents for the gift of life?
(117 posts, 13412 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by tomomimorgan in Chatter Box
I know I will take care of them and do everything in my power to help them out for two reasons:

1.) My grandma (the one who is like a second mom to you, you know? Really kind and loving who would kill herself for your sake) got diagnosed with Alzeheimer's desease when I wa...
Worst bullying case?
(136 posts, 19898 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by tomomimorgan in Chatter Box
Ah... I got bullied a lot, in 8th grade.

I had just moved back to Italy after spending two years in the US (and what made the bullying worse was that while I was in the States, I was actually part of the "in" crowd, you know? Where people you've never even met before pass ...
same sex marriage?
(454 posts, 73201 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by tomomimorgan in Chatter Box
Quote from krosko
I am not against the adoption because the parents are gay just because it's not good for the child, if the child was to live a normal life with friend and all then i don't mind but in the present, the mentality of the people aren't ready for this and it w...
Weird habits
(448 posts, 51791 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by tomomimorgan in Chatter Box
Quote from IMustBeInsane
I also attach names to things. For example, my cell phone is "Shelby" and my computer is "Connor." Still working on a name for my MP3 player...

I can't believe there's someone in this world other than me who does that!!! The funny thing is that I ...
Left or right?
(220 posts, 21502 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by tomomimorgan in Chatter Box
I'm right-handed, though recently I wanted to train my left hand in writing (I can already eat with it, ever since I was a kid I would just use whichever) and I'm doing fine, except... I can't really read what I write. Nor have I found anyone who can.
manga in a college/university setting
(17 posts, 7776 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by tomomimorgan in I'm Looking For...
Aishite Night is the only that comes to mind...
What would you do?
(58 posts, 4502 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by tomomimorgan in Chatter Box
Quote from musicalmaria25
sorry for my bad logic *pout*. it made sense in my head....and plus, if you just sacrifice one person now, im sure the world would end eventually anyway...

Actually, I didn't mean to offend your logic. I was surprised but I also did think your log...
Weird habits
(448 posts, 51791 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by tomomimorgan in Chatter Box
Quote from meroko123
>i like things to be symetrical
>things have to be even(not so bad now)

Oh I do that too! Rather when I was a kid, it was even worse (I do think I was obsessive compulsive) but now it's not so bad. To add to these, I also (mostly used to but sometimes I ...
(3 posts, 915 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by tomomimorgan in I'm Looking For...
This thread might help. ge=1#post167833
Forgot Name
(13 posts, 1311 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by tomomimorgan in Adult (18+)
Seriously, though, aside from Doc's and Swan's biting here, doesn't anyone know the title of the original yaoi manga? I thought it sounded very interesting..........

Anyone?? cry
Which dropped/inactive manga scanlations you wish to be picked up?
(208 posts, 41751 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by tomomimorgan in Manga General
Anastasia Club
Anatolia Story

and lots of other manga by [a]Chiho Saito[/a]....
I Hate Mayonnaise
(82 posts, 7496 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by tomomimorgan in Chatter Box
Quote from Grimslice
@tomomimorgan: LOL You're exactly like my brother, and they still end up putting their thousand island dressing on his burger

Yeah, happens to me too!! Why is it - I wonder - that it's always so much trouble when you ask them NOT to put stuff on it than...
Romance with a particular set-up
(5 posts, 967 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by tomomimorgan in I'm Looking For...
- NANA (even if it's not the beginning, the situation soon turns out that way)
- Random Walk
- Marmalade Boy (not the main couple though)
- Tokyo Crazy Paradise (it's not a girlfriend but a fiancée... but the manga itself is great!)

Although these are all shoujo's and even i...
What would you do?
(58 posts, 4502 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by tomomimorgan in Chatter Box
Quote from Mamsmilk
Quote from aurorae
Quote from tomomimorgan
Quote from musicalmaria25
Quote from x0mbiec0rp
Quote from musicalmaria25
Quote from x0mbiec0rp
Quote from musicalmaria25
i would let the world end. its gonna end eventually, why prolong it?

why end it? Are you feeling...
Who do you trust?
(165 posts, 13453 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by tomomimorgan in Chatter Box
I put friends and family, although, REALLY trust, it's probably seven ppl in total (four are family and three are friends), but I would trust those with my life. Seriously.

Although.... a fan of manga... CAN'T be bad... right? confused
What would you do?
(58 posts, 4502 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by tomomimorgan in Chatter Box
Quote from musicalmaria25
Quote from x0mbiec0rp
Quote from musicalmaria25
Quote from x0mbiec0rp
Quote from musicalmaria25
i would let the world end. its gonna end eventually, why prolong it?

why end it? Are you feeling suicidal?

no, im not suicidal...but id feel mean if i said t...
What would you do?
(58 posts, 4502 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by tomomimorgan in Chatter Box
I put "Take the sacrifice's place". I'd feel guilty about the whole world ending just because of one person, and I'd rather take on anything myself than watch someone I really care about die.

And I'd look soooooooooo cool!!! ^_^
A manga/anime that will fooled ya
(13 posts, 2609 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by tomomimorgan in I'm Looking For...
Definitely second Mucha Kucha Daisuki. Totally fooled me.
Which path would you take?
(106 posts, 9307 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by tomomimorgan in Chatter Box
I put right (dunno why). Creepy. Exactly 15 votes for right and left... Scary....
(265 posts, 27452 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by tomomimorgan in Chatter Box
Quote from jinx_you
Now I want to go and get my tragus pierced eyes .. I'm gonna have to do it this weekend

God, my ignorance is scaring me. As soon as I heard the word "tragus" I don't know why but I imagined something lewd. eek

Anyway, as for me, I only have my ears pierced....
the dentist
(62 posts, 5203 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by tomomimorgan in Chatter Box
Hate it! It's probably because I suffered for many years due to braces and got four teeth removed because my mouth was too tiny and stuff like that... but... I hate it!! Of course, I still go there when I need to but... if I could avoid it, I would!
(82 posts, 8983 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by tomomimorgan in Chatter Box
I've only been in a dorm over very short periods of time, but I enjoyed it very much all the same. Of course, it does incredibly limit your freedoms (you can't go around the room in slip and bra and leave a total mess everywhere if you - as I did - happen to end up with a...
What type of cellphone do you have?
(296 posts, 32557 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by tomomimorgan in Chatter Box
I have two (mainly because with one I spend little money with phone calls, and the other I have free text messages to all my friends): one of them is a Motorola V3x (I love it... although the battery is pretty much screwed up by now - it is three years old) and the other ...
Japan Rewrites History?
(175 posts, 19995 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by tomomimorgan in Chatter Box
Quote from reid1
And the complain is not about the bombs themselves, it's about the fact that US experimented nuclear weapons for the first time without knowing their real effects and people are still dying for cancer over there.

Thank you! Everyone knows that countries ha...
They are laughing.....
(39 posts, 2711 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by tomomimorgan in Chatter Box
Quote from ahoaho
I laugh at other people.

And at myself.

Hahahah ditto... Mostly at myself, actually. And other people get a good kick out of it, too!! ^_^

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