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Personalized RSS feeds still being worked on?
(2 posts, 712 views) Posted: over 8 years ago by scrambled in Suggestions & Bugs
Yeah, there was some talk about it years ago but judging from the non-existent progress, I don't think MU cares one bit about implementing this feature. It's a bit of a shame really.

Oh well, if there is a Yahoo Pipes alternative, I'd love to hear about it.
Personalized RSS for Reading Lists
(0 posts, 569 views) Posted: over 11 years ago by scrambled in Suggestions & Bugs
Just wondering if there are any plans to allow the site RSS feed to be filtered by my reading list. I've searched the forums about this and a few years ago some admins said personalised RSS was going to get implemented in the future but I haven't heard any word about it s...

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