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Is it just me, or are shoujo mangas getting even more predictable?
(51 posts, 14132 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Persimmons in Shoujo/Josei
I think they've always been painfully predictable...and a lot of media has been. :/ I suggest reading shoujo by artists that always tend to add in a kick of the weird. Yumeka Sumomo has some fairly predictable stories, but she also has ones that are awesome.

That, or may...
How do YOU pronouce manga?
(243 posts, 36123 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by Persimmons in Manga General
I've always heard white people call it 'main-guh', not manga. I personally say "mawn-gaw" (awww sound like the japanese "a"), but I hardly use that word since "comics" or "komikkusu" is used way more often...and if I'm speaking Japanese that comes out as "koh-mi-kks".


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