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What's your real name?
(1006 posts, 143721 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by alexthealex in Chatter Box
my real name is alex. its not short 4 nything so thats y im alexthealex
Hello Hello.
(22 posts, 1983 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by alexthealex in User Announcements
its nice to meet you! what kindof manga do you like?
Greetings to all
(25 posts, 2002 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by alexthealex in User Announcements
ur an aussie person bot? taht's really cool! do u rassle crocodiles?
HI ^^;
(25 posts, 1924 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by alexthealex in User Announcements
hiya! its nice to meet u to! wat kind of manga do u liek?
Hihi, Hello Thar :D
(29 posts, 2376 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by alexthealex in User Announcements
Hiya! Im pretty new here to. lets be friends alright!
(428 posts, 64079 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by alexthealex in Chatter Box
13. Wow! I thot evre1 wud b abut the sam age as me!
Looking for Male Yandere (does this even exist?)
(39 posts, 74003 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by alexthealex in I'm Looking For...
Quote from GreenTeaStrawberry

I don't think you know what yandere means. Check that link, and you'll see how dead wrong your suggestion is.
Gah..... I need something to read...
(33 posts, 3509 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by alexthealex in I'm Looking For...
you should read some shoujo!?! branch into new places...?
Is it okay to hit a girl?
(373 posts, 42934 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by alexthealex in Adult (18+)
Quote from jrdragon2003
Quote from alexthealex
no it's not okay to hit a girl!!! there was this one year that i worked at a summer camp and there was this really cute little boy named aiden. he was really funny and happy and adorable but it was really sad cuz he told us onc...
(14 posts, 1116 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by alexthealex in User Announcements
Quote from moritana
sigh. sure. hi.
love yaoi? ^_^ good to know we will have something to talk about from now, on, remember u dug that hole ^_^

really? yay! I have someone to talk to now! BTW, your avi is really cute. where'd you find it?
Is it okay to hit a girl?
(373 posts, 42934 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by alexthealex in Adult (18+)
no it's not okay to hit a girl!!! there was this one year that i worked at a summer camp and there was this really cute little boy named aiden. he was really funny and happy and adorable but it was really sad cuz he told us once that he and his mommy left daddy becaese he...
(14 posts, 1116 views) Posted: over 15 years ago by alexthealex in User Announcements
hi im alexthealex and ive used the site for a long time but never registered. anyway i started looking around and i eventually found the forum, so now ive signed up!! anyway i like yaoi and shoujo and ive read some of the really big shounen manga and liked those two so i ...

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