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Male lead & prostitute female lead fall in love with each other
(6 posts, 1309 views) Posted: over 7 years ago by j4qfrost in I'm Looking For...

Kininaru Roommate isn't about a prostitute but a stripper. I don't quite remember if he's the reason why she stops, but I think she only stripped to make money for college.

There are a number of other hentai one-shots with t...
How do people wipe their butt
(34 posts, 7414 views) Posted: over 11 years ago by j4qfrost in Adult (18+)
i pay someone to do it for me
Why are so many hentai doing normal manga nowadays?
(15 posts, 6293 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by j4qfrost in Adult (18+)
u know air gear mangaka did harcore hentai in his early days... of course air gear is very ecchi but in a good way. the mangaka for pokemon also started with hentai. who cares about the past as long as the mangaka produce awesome stuff. same goes for crappy stuff. charlie...

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