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Manga with a "Follow me I will run away, but run away and I will follow you"
(1 posts, 488 views) Posted: over 7 years ago by Fujoshiiiiiii in I'm Looking For...
I am looking for mangas in which the girl likes the guy (she tells him or never does. It doesn't matter) but she knows (or actually think/convinces herself) she cant be with him because either he doesn't like her, friendzoned her, already has a girlfriend, likes som...
Fall in love with his bestfriend/brother's girlfriend
(3 posts, 1553 views) Posted: over 7 years ago by Fujoshiiiiiii in I'm Looking For...
Yassssss! Thank you C3N eyes I will definitely check it out. If anyone else has some other ones in mind, please let me know! biggrin
Fall in love with his bestfriend/brother's girlfriend
(3 posts, 1553 views) Posted: over 7 years ago by Fujoshiiiiiii in I'm Looking For...
Hello everyone. First post eyes Not sure if I am at the right section here. If not, I'm soooo sorry.
So I am looking for a manga where main lead fall for his friend,brother, cousin, etc.'s girlfriend or a girl who in his mind belongs to someone he shouldn't want to take her aw...

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