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Have you ever gotten "hit on" by a kid?
(37 posts, 4143 views) Posted: over 14 years ago by MINGDAO in Chatter Box
Haha I'm 21 and this 13 year old thought I was 16 and was hitting on me, the look on his face when I told the little brat to respect elders and that I'm 21 was priceless! laugh
USUI Yoshito (Crayon Shin-chan) Dead
(16 posts, 1365 views) Posted: over 14 years ago by MINGDAO in News
You should not say something like that. We are talking about someone's life here, you are being disrespectful towards his fans and family members.

I don't mean to offend you but it just makes me mad when people start to type things like "Omg he died?? =( Well thank god -i...

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