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had an interesting horror manga idea
(1 posts, 878 views) Posted: over 7 years ago by sashima8 in Chatter Box
Hello, sorry if this is in the wrong section I didn't see anywhere else to share.

I will say warning as the idea falls into a supernatural horror and somewhat gory manga with death involved.

I often have ideas but I'm always too nervous to share them. So I thought I should ...
looking for old horrer manga
(9 posts, 1142 views) Posted: over 7 years ago by sashima8 in I'm Looking For...
For anyone interested still, I actually found the comic. I think it's called "Nirvana Ji"

I apologize as looking back I feel I may have been incorrect in some of my information but I'd read it a long while ago and I think xxxholic was throwing me off.
looking for old horrer manga
(9 posts, 1142 views) Posted: over 7 years ago by sashima8 in I'm Looking For...
Hmm, I glanced through the artists I don't believe that I saw it but I may be mistaken.

I'll also had a thought and revelation on a detail in the manga.

The shop itself as an interior had shelves with artifacts on them. Including a klein bottle.

There was a chapter I recall...
looking for old horrer manga
(9 posts, 1142 views) Posted: over 7 years ago by sashima8 in I'm Looking For...
I'm not really sure. I actually thought it would be XXXholic because of the style sprung out to me visually. Outerzone also has a familiar style appeal, so I would guess it would be something around those lines.

As for age, Not sure, when I read it it had a lot of chapter...
looking for old horrer manga
(9 posts, 1142 views) Posted: over 7 years ago by sashima8 in I'm Looking For...
As a weird update sorry if I seem like I'm reviving dead post.

I recall something about possibly the description of the manga from the page I found it at.

Something like, a small magical shop hidden in the deepest place where only "lost" souls may find, or those determined ...
looking for old horrer manga
(9 posts, 1142 views) Posted: over 8 years ago by sashima8 in I'm Looking For...
I don't believe it's the tarot cafe, style is very unfamiliar to me, sorry if I'm being weird or stupid >.<
looking for old horrer manga
(9 posts, 1142 views) Posted: over 8 years ago by sashima8 in I'm Looking For...
I don't remember when, but I want to say sometime in the last 10 years, I found a strange foreign manga. (might have been Manhwa or other similar difference) It had many chapters, and many different stories.

Because I'm 90% it wasn't in English, I'm going to describe my be...
looking for horrer manga
(9 posts, 1277 views) Posted: over 8 years ago by sashima8 in I'm Looking For...
I think it was a japanese text, but I did not read it in english.

sorry if I'm bugging at this point, just hoping to find it again.
looking for horrer manga
(9 posts, 1277 views) Posted: over 9 years ago by sashima8 in I'm Looking For...
none of those seem to be the right thing sadly. They all sound similar but not the actual thing I'm looking for.

Manhua? never heard that term before.but i don't think so as I remember there being like 30 chapters.

reading xxxholic i recognized some of the chapters but it w...
looking for horrer manga
(9 posts, 1277 views) Posted: over 9 years ago by sashima8 in I'm Looking For...
I hit appears it was not xxxholic >.>

I'm looking for a manga in which a woman seems to grant desires, or simply punish them for being greedy.

i believe it was japanese when I read it.

I thought it was xxxholic but couldn't find a few chapters I was looking for. Maybe it is ...

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