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This scene from a manga
(0 posts, 290 views) Posted: over 9 years ago by ya.he.fe in I'm Looking For...

I'm remembering this particular scene I read awhile back. Sorry, don't have a picture of it, so I"ll try to describe it the best I can.

Pretty sure it's shounen. There's this MC who suddenly gets all these devil girls living in his house. Later on in the series, ...
Can't remember this one
(1 posts, 405 views) Posted: over 10 years ago by ya.he.fe in I'm Looking For...
There's a species of humanoid demon things who've all become exterminated, but a baby girl survives, and she's found by a soldier, who ends up taking care of her. But then, the soldiers come back after a couple years and slay everyone in the village.

Then, this guy come...

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