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Fantasy manga about a girl with white hair that can use magic

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6:43 am, Jan 11 2021
Posts: 45

Looking for a fantasy shoujo manga with a girl with WHITE hair that could use magic despite living in a world where only those with BLACK hair can.

She is actually someone that is reincarnated (but still from the same world) who died after her boyfriend "betrayed" her (don't remember so much how it happend). And, in fact, he too is reincarnated and in this life is a prince. They both kept their old memories of each other.

They found each other "again" when the MC is invited to the castle, together with other girls that can use magic, trying to pass some tests (don't remember what for).


8:53 am, Jan 11 2021
Posts: 9

Sounds like

Post #788199 - Reply to (#788123) by bluegrass12

5:58 am, Jan 16 2021
Posts: 45

That's the one. Thank you. ☺☺

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