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Looking for brocon siscon manga with these details

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1:21 pm, Jul 14 2022
Posts: 13

I read it long time ago and i can't remember the title.
The story is about a girl has few brothers who loved her so much and one of her brothers was so possesive to her.
I think the story begin with the girl moved to new house and lived alone so the brothers worried abt her and moved along to her house.
I remember the scene about she and her brothers ate together then one of her brothers said that she liked omelette with sugar in it.
Any idea apreciated.
Thanks in advance

Last edited by mgnsjohn at 1:22 pm, Jul 14 2022

Post #798257
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2:21 pm, Jul 14 2022
Posts: 1150

Maybe Oniichan to Issho.

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