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Who do you think is going to win FIFA WORLD CUP 2010
Ivory Coast
Korea DPR
Korea Republic
South Africa
New Zealand
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Post #389862 - Reply to (#389855) by westsiders2

1:16 pm, Jul 4 2010
Posts: 320

Eh, I don't think Ghana was the better team in that match. Uruguay played better and had more opportunities. Ghana also had a few, but a lot of them came in the closing moments of extra time. Overall, though, Uruguay had the better game.

As for the Suarez did, if I hear a ton of experts, all of who played in the World Cup, say that they have no problem with what Suarez did, then I don't have a problem with it. It's true. There's not one player who would have done any differently. I'm sure if the roles were reversed, Ghana would have done the same, and I would still be fine with it. I would be less fine with it if Suarez got away with it, but he was caught, red carded, but Ghana blew it.

Post #389869 - Reply to (#389862) by sandman1008
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Peaceful Dictator™

1:43 pm, Jul 4 2010
Posts: 742

Quote from sandman1008
Eh, I don't think Ghana was the better team in that match. Uruguay played better and had more opportunities. Ghana also had a few, but a lot of them came in the closing moments of extra time. Overall, though, Uruguay had the better game.

As for the Suarez did, if I hear a ton of experts, all of who played in the World Cup, say that they have no problem with what Suarez did, then I don't have a problem with it. It's true. There's not one player who would have done any differently. I'm sure if the roles were reversed, Ghana would have done the same, and I would still be fine with it. I would be less fine with it if Suarez got away with it, but he was caught, red carded, but Ghana blew it.

I know that already. what i hate is that fact that Uruguay a team that has been in the world cup many times and won it twice already, couldn't beat a Ghanaian team that people were not expecting much from until they beat the USA (again). the only African team people were expecting to do really well was ivory coast and south africa cause they are the host nation.

Stop that crap about Uruguay was the better team they only had control at the beginning but after the first 20 mins Ghana took total control of the game. the only reason Uruguay had that many corners was because Ghana made stupid mistakes but nonetheless Ghana was the better side. they were shaky at the start but the played with more conviction than Uruguay. Ghana was by average the youngest team at the world cup this year but Uruguay has experience and a great captain but to go to extra time and to win like that is just depressing.

this is basically why it was bad. Uruguay are a very strong team they shouldn't have been in the position where they had to resort to such methods to stay alive. they are an all-round team with both strong defense and attack and they couldn't beat Ghana in 90 mins and even in extra time they couldn't control the game. no matter which way you look at it Ghana was better and those guys were just rubbish. This is not to say Ghana IS A BAD TEAM, rather they are one of the best team in africa but Uruguay had the edge but blew it and won by desperation that's whats depressing.

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Post #389870 - Reply to (#389862) by sandman1008
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0n3 Winged

2:11 pm, Jul 4 2010
Posts: 603

Quote from sandman1008
Eh, I don't think Ghana was the better team in that match. Uruguay played better and had more opportunities. Ghana also had a few, but a lot of them came in the closing moments of extra time. Overall, though, Uruguay had the better game.

As for the Suarez did, if I hear a ton of experts, all of who played in the World Cup, say that they have no problem with what Suarez did, then I don't have a problem with it. It's true. There's not one player who would have done any differently. I'm sure if the roles were reversed, Ghana would have done the same, and I would still be fine with it. I would be less fine with it if Suarez got away with it, but he was caught, red carded, but Ghana blew it.

Look if your so adamant about what expert say then you should know ghana played better football.
They were the underdog. They were expected to loose in reality. They are ranked 32 in the world and uraguay 16. Overall ghana played better, they were just inexpirenced at penalties.
In my eyes watching a team that played better and was thought to loose... plus me supporting knowing it was probably going to loose left a bitter taste in my mouth when i saw such tragedy. Yes, i would have done the same thing behind the goal line but in no way did uraguay play better.

Now, just to make a point. Just because you have the better team doesn't mean you will win. Luck is a factor. It will leave a bitter taste when the team you support looses so stop acting like your the justice brigade of football.

Last edited by fr33noob at 2:30 pm, Jul 4 2010

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Post #389871
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2:14 pm, Jul 4 2010
Posts: 44

It all boils down to this: If Suarez hadn't deliberately handballed Ghana would have gone through. It doesn't matter if Ghana were the better team or Uruguay was. The incident happened on the 120th minute which was the last minute of extra time. Ghana only needed to defend for a couple of minutes after that and they would have gone through. Uruguay are playing a borrowed match and I hope they lose.

Post #389874 - Reply to (#389845) by Faukner
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2:26 pm, Jul 4 2010
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Quote from Faukner
Been a good WC so far except for what Suarez did left a bad taste in my mouth. That was cheating and Ghana should have gone through. I feel sorry for them.

Stop saying is shameful, He took one for the team and got punished because of it.

Is part of the game, thanks to him his team got a last second save, BUT it was Ghana that failed the penalty so is a fair game.

I supported Ghana, but football is not white and black, there is a reason players only act when the situation is not dire, we have seen many players take a super kick just to step up their game and keep attacking... God Hands and acts are parts of the game, part of a two edged sword... you shouldn't forget that.

Also years of experience?

Most players of Ghana are active club members in europe, so stop saying crap... there is NO difference between a team that won 60 years ago and one that has not won once... or are you implying that the Glory of your grandparents is the same as your own?

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Post #389878
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2:47 pm, Jul 4 2010
Posts: 44

Oh so he got punished so what? The whole team of Uruguay are still playing all he got was a 1 match ban. I'm sorry but nothing justifies what he did.

Post #389879 - Reply to (#389874) by Chaoswind
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0n3 Winged

2:49 pm, Jul 4 2010
Posts: 603

Quote from Chaoswind
Stop saying is shameful, He took one for the team and got punished because of it.

Is part of the game, thanks to him his team got a last second save, BUT it was Ghana that failed the penalty so is a fair game.

I supported Ghana, but football is not white and black, there is a reason players only act when the situation is not dire, we have seen many players take a super kick just to step up their game and keep attacking... God Hands and acts are parts of the game, part of a two edged sword... you shouldn't forget that.

Also years of experience?

Most players of Ghana are active club members in europe, so stop saying crap... there is NO difference between a team that won 60 years ago and one that has not won once... or are you implying that the Glory of your grandparents is the same as your own?

Now i don't wan't to whine about anything however why do you think experts say these players are less expirenced? They played less eek Younger = less play= less expirence eek God hand and whatnot is apart of football but no one glorifies it. No one says that was great. I won't deny uraguay went through because they won the game but im certanly not happy about how it went down and thats normal considering all the factors. I'm not spewing hate but dissapointment.
I don't see why you need to defend uraguay to be honest. Its a good team but i see no reason for praise, just pity.

Edit: Yeah, thats what people say in retaliation to actions like those. Some don't like it, some acknowledge it happens. Its all about the bias.

Last edited by fr33noob at 3:22 pm, Jul 4 2010

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Lord of nonsense

3:08 pm, Jul 4 2010
Posts: 1310

I am just annoyed by the "Cheating" remarks

Remember Football (THE REAL ONE) is a game without pauses (you know what I mean) is a real time game, there is NO CHEATING, just actions that have consequences.

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Post #389883
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3:15 pm, Jul 4 2010
Posts: 3457

Wait, you're saying it's not possible to cheat whilst playing football?

How can you say that a player who dives to the ground trying to fake a foul isn't cheating?

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Lord of nonsense

3:22 pm, Jul 4 2010
Posts: 1310


You can consider it cheating, I prefer to call it honor less play... Is for pussies... but isn't wrong

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Post #389894 - Reply to (#389856) by joshflip1989
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Mome Basher

4:41 pm, Jul 4 2010
Posts: 3380

Quote from joshflip1989
..but tell me a player that wouldn't have done the exact same thing if they were in Suarez's position.

An honest and professional one? roll eyes

And Chaoswind? He cheated. It's not, "taking one for the team".
In fact, by saying that PROVES how flawed the rule is.
If its a handball that prevents the goal on the 120th minute, I say the whole team should take it. Not just the player - and if the team had any honor in them, they would've backed out of the tournament. At least that way, it'll save them some face.

God Hands and acts are parts of the game,

there is NO CHEATING, just actions that have consequences.

So which is it? Is cheating part of the game or what?

You can call it whatever you want; God Hands, Golden hands, Pussy hands, Volleyball hands or even
I prefer to call it honor less play...

- a cheat is still a cheat.

Also, if its not wrong, then they shouldn't have given him a red card for it now did they?
What are you smoking, man?

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Everyday I'm tumblin'
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9:17 pm, Jul 4 2010
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Oh everyone just let the damn thing go. >___>
He did a handball.
He got his punishment.
Spewing about whether it was right or wrong won't change anything.
Uruguay's still in, Ghana isn't.

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Post #389954 - Reply to (#389884) by Chaoswind
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Coffee Clouds

2:54 am, Jul 5 2010
Posts: 66

Quote from Chaoswind

You can consider it cheating, I prefer to call it honor less play... Is for pussies... but isn't wrong

That’s the funniest thing I have heard all day. laugh
You were joking right?

Your from the order? I've never seen you before.
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I have seen your post history, you don't get to say anything I say is ridiculous
Post #389974
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6:29 am, Jul 5 2010
Posts: 914

It's only cheating if you get away with it. If you are punished, it is merely an infringement of the rules and the appropriate punishment given per FIFA rules. If Gyan had buried that penalty nobody would be talking about Suarez as a cheat. It would be seen as a rule-break that was punished appropriately. Also if this happened against a big name team there wouldn't be this much whining.

I am not saying what Suarez done is morally right but it's not cheating under the current rules of the game. imo in that clear cut case there should be no penalty, a goal should be awarded. As in Rugby when a team purposefully commits a foul to prevent a try, the try is awarded and the conversion is taken from right in front of the posts.

Post #389982 - Reply to (#389974) by Rob1988
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Coffee Clouds

7:19 am, Jul 5 2010
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Quote from Rob1988
It's only cheating if you get away with it.
You must understand. By him, committing an act of fouling, in the game and being punished accordingly, doesn’t mean it does not classify as cheating. He didn’t inadvertently cause the down fall of Ghana, he tacitly caused it. This was, one mans unabashed ambition to secure a victory at a critical moment and he succeeded.

In other words, a red card at the right time was worth winning the game overall; thus cheating occurs.

EDIT:Cheating = Shortcut

Last edited by rugal14 at 7:26 am, Jul 5 2010

Your from the order? I've never seen you before.
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I have seen your post history, you don't get to say anything I say is ridiculous
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