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7:14 pm, Apr 27 2012
Posts: 62

I've read this manga lately, a girl who is worked be babysitter. In that house, she is have a relationship with the oldest brother whose very popular in his school. then, the girl studying in the same school with his boyfriend, but, the girls in the school didn't like her.

and another story is telling about neighbor friends. The girl just became a first year in the Junior high, but the boy still in the elementary even if they have a same age. The girl was liked by her senpai, then the boy was liked by his classmates. Actually, the girl who like the main boy is the sister of the main girl's senpai. yeah, something like that.

That is a collection of one shot, I've tried to find that in here, but I can't find it. And sorry if you confused by my language, actually, I'm not good with English smile wink grin

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