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What did you think of the ending? (Spoilers)

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1:16 am, May 17 2013
Posts: 91

At the very least I didn't expect it. When I saw the sex scene my eyes about popped out of my head. I was really surprised. I had to look at the cover to make sure I didn't accidentally download a doujin.

Usually these types of manga are left open ended with the relationships not quite resolved, Well, she brought it full circle and zipped it up tight.


8:24 pm, Jun 20 2013
Posts: 2

I really liked the ending, the sex scene was kinda surprising but I can't say I wasn't glad to see it after the years of build up. I was just so happy everyone got some closure, something I'm not used to seeing at a manga's ending,

Post #605524

10:32 pm, Jun 29 2013
Posts: 1

sweet sweet closure .. despite not solving everyones problems ( is kuro still gay ? ) some how the ending made them all seem not important anymore ... thought i'm not sure what the author meant with it , choosing to have rin not age / grow as much as her friends

feel as if there was a statement in that ? but i'm not sure what its saying

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Slightly obscene

11:00 pm, Jun 29 2013
Posts: 498

As far as ending go, it works well enough. Better than most, actually. It gives proper closure and ended on a happy note. I did not really expect that graphic of a sex scene, considering all the warning bells it might set off in the minds of the easily disturbed, but I actually liked its inclusion by and itself.

Loli or not, Rin was both of age and, psychologically, sufficiently mature individual by that time. Any feelings on discomfort of the subject are issues for the reader to solve.

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11:19 pm, Jun 29 2013
Posts: 170


No seriously, the author bit off too much in the last few volumes and it shows. Its good ending all things considered but definitely overdue.

Post #606711
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8:17 am, Jul 10 2013
Posts: 2

The ending was strange: expected, yet unexpectedly surprising due to it's execution; It's just unsettling that I felt relieved when every character got a somewhat "healthy" [love / sex life] by the end - even Kuro, that remained on good terms with Shiro.

Kuro is probably sexually gay and emotionally bi, as she found personal satisfaction when praised by Aoki; well, there's a saying that goes like "every girl is, at first, bisexual", as the first human relationship is between the mother and the child - be it a girl or a boy; That she had no paternal figure to shift towards after her mother's divorce may have played a hand there (nurture vs. nature, anyone?), but what stands is the fact that her sexual orientation (or lack thereof) isn't a problem per see, as she is happy.

Some characters achieved fulfillment through work, others started a battle for happiness (or does anyone here thing that things went smoothly with Usa's mother?)... and life goes on.

Now there's something I want to ask: what did the author mean on the last page, about a "present to celebrate the conclusion on next issue"?

Post #616963

10:27 am, Oct 6 2013
Posts: 12

great overall probably one of the best for dealing with certain traumatic and taboo subjects no real sugar coating or belief that there will always be a happy ending
Personally I felt Houin Sensei should have confessed much earlier, and I doubt considering the depths of her feelings she would have given up right away, even with the suspicions about Reiji, two questions:
1. are you gay
2. do you not find me physically attractive
and maybe a line about loving him enough to want to make him love her instead, would have changed it, but that would have been a different story by a different Mangaka, actually it sort of reminded me of G.T.O, similar dynamic to Eikichi and Azusa.
she was obviously kept around with the possibility of something happing though...

Post #621655

1:49 pm, Nov 21 2013
Posts: 2

Well, a good and risolutive ending for a great serie. Only 2 manga ending i have appreciated really in the last years, Gunslinger Girl and this one, so kudos on Watashiya, hope i can read soon your next manga whatever it will be. smile

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Seinen is RIGHT

3:31 pm, Mar 23 2014
Posts: 2411

A very bad manga. And a very creepy ending. How appropriate. That is all.

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
Manga-Masters, My ANN-Lists + Imdb
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