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Shounen Supernatural

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Post #506575
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6:54 am, Nov 10 2011
Posts: 71

MANGA Similar to Kurozakuro . World Embryo , Rosario to Vampire , Aflame Inferno , Alive: Saishuu Shinkateki Shounen , Togari and Togari Shiro

The only difference between saints and sinners is that every saint has a past while every sinner has a future. - Oscar Wilde
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7:29 am, Nov 10 2011
Posts: 145

The stories you are quite dark & ecchi (with exception of Rosario to Vampire being more comedic than dark). Hmmm..... how about Shinrei Tantei Yakumo(no ecchi stuff but quite dark), Psychometrer Eiji, Ubel Blatt, Taboo-Tattoo, Psyren and some other stuff I can't quite remember at the moment. If none is helpful, then I won't bother to list the rest cause you won't like them anyway.

Post #506592
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I have a big

9:37 am, Nov 10 2011
Posts: 1029

Have you read Hoshi no Samidare?
How about Mirai Nikki?

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10:40 am, Nov 10 2011
Posts: 114

You could try Tegami Bachi or D.Gray-Man

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7:33 pm, Nov 10 2011
Posts: 180

If you're looking for dark with comedy, I'd say Pandora Hearts and Kuroshitsuji. Maybe also Darker than Black and Are You Alice?

I am vindicated!
I am selfish;
I am wrong!
I am right,
I swear I'm right.
Swear I knew it all along
And I am flawed!
But I am cleaning up so well
I am seeing in me now
The things you swore
You saw yourself...

~"Vindicated" by Dashboard Confessional
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7:47 pm, Nov 10 2011
Posts: 248

you could try :
immortal regis
[m]Shade:the otherside of the light[/m]
shaman king
the law of ueki

Last edited by kurokaze at 8:35 pm, Nov 10 2011

Words to live by: "Let sleeping dogs lie"
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Post #506806
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Apostle of Cock

10:38 am, Nov 11 2011
Posts: 234

Shingetsutan tsukihime
Yumekui merry

Being alone is only lonely if you want it to be.
Staying in lucid delusion for an eternity.
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