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New Poll - Eating Utensils... or lack of...

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10:59 pm, May 14 2010
Posts: 10709

This new poll is another one suggested by our forum mod, StarlightDreams~ Simple enough to choose what eating utensil you feel answers the question (which is not a well phrased question... but at least it's easy to understand)

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Previous Poll Results
Question: If you had to lose one of your 5 traditional sense, which would you give up?
Sight - votes: 800 (5.3%)
Hearing - votes: 671 (4.4%)
Touch - votes: 1482 (9.8%)
Smell - votes: 8565 (56.6%)
Taste - votes: 3612 (23.9%)
There were 15130 total votes.
The poll ended: May 15th 2010

Majority chooses smell! I can definitely see the truth as to why, but I would still love to physically hear if from one of you, although I doubt any of you reading this has ever touched what I have touched or tasted my cooking (which sucks, so that's a good thing)

PS: Totally forgot to make a post last week for all those mothers out there, so here's a shout out to my own mom who will probably never visit this site in her lifetime

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Post #535186
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1:31 am, May 15 2010
Posts: 636

They can operate any of the others!

"It is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science."
Post #535187 - Reply to (#535186) by mattai
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3:15 am, May 15 2010
Posts: 215

Why smell ? Because it's the most easy to live without i think (except for some works). Sight, Hearing and Touch are the most important in daily life i think, without them many things can happen badly. And since i really like eating (hehe) i prefer smell to taste (but yeah it can be somewhat a problem like not knowing some food smell bad and when you eat them...)

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6:02 am, May 15 2010
Posts: 170

"Lack of"? How rude! Hands are the best eating utensils in the world! You don't just get to eat the food, you get to FEEL it at the same time! Can your precious forks do that?

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7:08 am, May 15 2010
Posts: 131

It's a bit difficult choosing between a loss of taste or smell since they work hand-in-hand, but I chose to lose taste. A loss of one would alter the other. The sensation of taste depends a lot on the aromas within the mouth through smell leading to flavor. And it would also be bad if I couldn't smell a gas leak or smoke.

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7:55 am, May 15 2010
Posts: 330

No Spork!?

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Post #535191 - Reply to (#535190) by vietangelix
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7:57 am, May 15 2010
Posts: 72

LOL. Good suggestion.

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Post #535192 - Reply to (#535188) by Name-Undecided
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8:41 am, May 15 2010
Posts: 86

Rofl! Seconded. xDD

Plus, you don't have to go (gasp! actually walk/move?!) anywhere to fetch your hands. Like you have to take forks and knives and stuff out of... wherever you keep them. Beat that! xD

Post #535193
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10:50 am, May 15 2010
Posts: 39

Going with the obvious answer since I'm Asian XDD. I actually feel super uncomfortable when I have to eat my noodles with a fork. It feels so wrong.

Post #535194

3:23 pm, May 15 2010
Posts: 491

Crazy dudes. It's all about the Knife. You can eat almost anything with a knife if you know what you're doing(Cereal escapes me but that's true for pretty much all not spoons) You can stab into stuff with it like a fork. You can cut up your huge chunks of stuff so it's smaller. You can even twirl noodles onto one(gotta be careful eating those of a knife though or you can cut yourself.)

Post #535195

6:18 pm, May 15 2010
Posts: 4

I like spoons because I there are times when I don't want to burn my hands... or melt the food. Plus, it can cut certain foods, too. Besides, you can play spoons!
I don't know why forks are so popular; they seem to be the least useful to me.

Post #535196 - Reply to (#535187) by morphin007
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6:45 pm, May 15 2010
Posts: 35

ever notice how funny things taste when your nose is stuffy? That's because taste is dependent on smell. So actually a bunch of people chose to lose 2 senses not just one. But hey, no one's expected to think that far ahead.

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Hell's Beast

8:26 pm, May 15 2010
Posts: 32

Silly people, you can't eat utensils xD Or at least you shouldn't try to O_o

Post #535198 - Reply to (#535196) by Tenshinchigi
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9:58 pm, May 15 2010
Posts: 636

Ever notice how you can still mostly taste things? Having a stuffed nose makes you lose a little of your sense of taste...but try eating with a tongue that you burnt a while ago; you can't taste ANYTHING

"It is those who know little, and not those who know much, who so positively assert that this or that problem will never be solved by science."
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10:04 pm, May 15 2010
Posts: 139

I use all these utensils and my hands depending on what kind of food I eat.

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