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Custom Lists and Filter

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10:23 pm, Oct 5 2008
Posts: 15

I have been using this site for a long time and I am glad to see the various improvements being made in the recent weeks.

The major thing that I have a problem with is that you lack the ability to filter by what is NOT on your your list. IE only show stuff that is not on read list, wish list, etc...

Also, I believe it would be beneficial to be able to filter based on multiple lists. IE show mangas on reading list and on wish list (check boxes).

Finally, I believe it would be beneficial to have custom lists that the user can create. Some people (myself included biggrin) have sorting methods and it would be great if I could keep them the same on my computer. Also the ability to designate a list as a hide list (IE a blacklist) would be helpful also.

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3:22 am, Oct 6 2008
Posts: 6221

I don't see a need to filter things not on the list. Since they already show in the filter the list icons, you can just ignore extra page or two doesn't hurt >.>

Custom Lists have already been suggested here

Why not just designate an unused list as a blacklist and keep it private? Otherwise it already counts at asking for custom lists...

Last edited by blakraven66 at 3:30 am, Oct 6 2008

Post #211860
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4:21 am, Oct 6 2008
Posts: 914

I wanted something similar to this but instead I wanted to filter one of my lists off the front page.... back to University now so my "On Hold" list got quite a bit longer, trying to cut back on my manga habit. =P So I actually get some work done.... laugh

To save me the temptation of reading them I was hoping to be able to remove them from the release pages....

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