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Have You Heard About the Swine Flu Yet?

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Lurker Queen.

9:01 am, Apr 29 2009
Posts: 779

My parents are reconsidering letting me go on a trip this Friday. /facepalm.

It's nowhere near Eastern Europe yet, ffs!

Anyway, I've heard some interesting theories about it, but it's still too early to say anything certain about it. All I hope is that it shall strike all rednecks who don't wash their hands after paying the loo a visit.

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9:03 am, Apr 29 2009
Posts: 141

not to worried here, i know i should be but unless i see someone i know get it im not worried.

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9:19 am, Apr 29 2009
Posts: 123

I was dumbstruck when I heard that Israel actually called the term Swine Flu discriminating because pigs are considered impure in some religions.

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9:53 am, Apr 29 2009
Posts: 51

Concerned, but not paranoid. The last influenza pandemic killed 50 million people worldwide between 1918-1920. Now, several decades later, we are better equipped to handle infectious diseases.

I'm not saying that humanity is guaranteed from the ravages of a global pandemic, it is something that can be controlled through understanding how to better protect ourselves.Of course, now that the world's population is much more numerous than it was in 1920, a global pandemic could reach staggering high numbers of casualties.

Just keep your hands clean and try not to touch your face (it's hard not to!). biggrin

Post #282839 - Reply to (#282624) by Panic!182
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Thread Killer

10:00 am, Apr 29 2009
Posts: 252

Quote from Panic!182
You should be fine as long as you don't live in Mexico. They're being hit hard by it. Plus, no one's died in the US yet from this so it should be fine for me.

First death now a little girl from Texas

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Manga Otaku

10:14 am, Apr 29 2009
Posts: 715

Yes, I heard about it, though I don't listen to news much.

There are 51 confirmed cases in my state. I need to wash my hands a bit more.

But I don't worry, I need to keep my head up high.

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Post #282846

10:30 am, Apr 29 2009
Posts: 180

the worst case scenario that was mapped out for this is having 20 million people dead and millions more hospitalized. But thats is this thing goes completely out of control and a lot of people start getting infected even faster. Sadly there is no way to contain this virus.

I live in California so it kind of cux were right next to Mexico....

Post #282862 - Reply to (#282816) by Hermit-chan
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Is a female

11:29 am, Apr 29 2009
Posts: 3457

Quote from Hermit-chan
Quote from tactics
Quote from Hermit-chan
Y'know, lately my landlord and I have been making jokes bout locking ourselves in the house and just call Tesco to deliver our food IF Swine flu hits UK XDDD

You know that it already has hit the UK?
It's in Scotland at the moment the last time I heard.
Getting supermarkets to deliver food is a great idea laugh

I'm not too worried about it.
I just hope my mum doesn't freak out -__-;

I just heard 3 new cases in UK. It's not in Scotland anymore.
There's a dude from London, another dude from Birmingham and a 12 yr old kid from kinda freaked me out since my home is also in Devon laugh

Hmm, getting closer to home. I don't like that. At all.
I'm liking the food delivery idea more and more laugh

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Inactive Phantom

12:31 pm, Apr 29 2009
Posts: 1078

I'm concerned, but not worried. I live in Ireland, so I reckon I'm okay. I'm more worried about a recent spread of Mumps and Rubella that's hitting people my age over the country...

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Sweetly Macabre

5:36 pm, Apr 29 2009
Posts: 1005

I'm of the opinion that this won't be a plague or pandemic, at least in developed countries. After all, sanitation and hygiene have made a huge change in health and wellness, and so has the ability to pass on news and information.

That isn't to say that I don't feel sad for the people who have it or have died from it. But swine flu isn't a personal scare where I live.

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5:44 pm, Apr 29 2009
Posts: 830

I'm not at all worried. I know we have 5 confirmed cases but all people who have travelled to Mexico and none serious. I think people are too on the ball for it to develop into a pandemic and even if it does no way could it ever be comparable to the 1918 outbreak. Medical facilities and information is just so much better now it would never happen. People are just worrying over nothing. I mean 250,000 people died annually worldwide of influenza anyway.

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5:17 am, May 2 2009
Posts: 51

yup. its in the news. and i heard it can lead to death?
thank God it is not in my country yet.

im a bit concerned because it is very dangerous. and you can get the flu by direct contact, but not by eating pork. right??

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if ignorance is bliss, I guess that would explain why I'm so miserable!
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Mad With a Hat

5:28 am, May 2 2009
Posts: 4764

Yeah, heard about it...
I live in a stupid country where certain fuck refuses it to be called the Swine Flu, and orders it to be called the "Spanish Flue" or something of the sort...
Because god forbid jews catching something caused by eating pigs/by pigs.



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5:36 am, May 2 2009
Posts: 8

I did... It's all over the news. Even TMZ is asking random celebrities about it. The flu came at a really bad time. It's totally ruining our vacation plans. But I'm glad it's not in Asia yet.

Post #283806
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6:16 am, May 2 2009
Posts: 173

It's not called the Swine Flu anymore.
They've changed the name to H1N1 influenza.

Anyways, there's a couple of mild cases in Canada, but I'm not too worried.

Just remember to wash your hands people =)

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