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3:36 pm, Sep 8 2013
Posts: 1

I'm Taro (aka KingTaro)!

A bit about myself.
I like to draw, it's been a hobby of mine since the age of 10-11 if I remember correctly.
Started off after being impressed with a dinosaur picture an uncle drew for me.

Then it was all about Dragonball Z and later on started to draw pretty much anything that interested me.
Here is my Deviantart page for those interested, haha:

Anyway, at the age of 19-20 a friend of mine introduced me to the "Anime-World" and 2-3 years later I started reading manga's aswell, and here I am! Haha.

Recently, I also made an application that lets you add sounds to any manga. Well, pretty much to any image, actuall. Not much content there yet, but here is an example.
If you want to try it, you might want to check the basic tutorial.

Well, other than manga, I've been making music and random video's.
Been trying a bit of everything!

Anyway, nice to meet you all!



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Noblesse Forever!

8:02 am, Sep 9 2013
Posts: 1067

Welcome to MU~!

Enjoy your stay.

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A dignified

8:36 am, Sep 9 2013
Posts: 546

Welcome to MU (:

"People don't change, they just give in."<BR><!--url_type_2--><a href='' target='_blank'><u>Kubera is the best.</u></a><!--url_type_2_end--><BR>同人音楽 (doujin music)<BR><!--img--><img src='' border='0' alt='Laila Hemawati'><!--img_end-->
Post #613996
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Is a female

8:50 am, Sep 9 2013
Posts: 3457


Stick around and have fun~

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11:03 am, Sep 9 2013
Posts: 537

Nice to meet you, Taro! Have fun exploring the site.

"Stories are what death thinks he puts an end to.
He can't understand that they end in him, but they don't end with him."
- Ursula K. Le Guin, Gifts

To be savoured:
- Blood Alone by TAKANO Masayuki
- Otoyomegatari by MORI Kaoru
- Gangsta. by Kohske
- Seishun Kouryakuhon by AKIZUKI Sorata
Post #614010
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11:25 am, Sep 9 2013
Posts: 1339




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12:30 am, Sep 10 2013
Posts: 10691

Welcome to MangaUpdates~

A just ruler amongst tyrants
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