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New option in series page

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A manga parasite

9:52 am, Mar 17 2014
Posts: 319

I'm wondering if it's possible to have a new option on every series page giving the print availability. (Or better said, you've got a series with all the info like description, type, related series, etc.)

So, I hope it's possible to get the new options:
- Print available in Japanese
- Print available in English

(Off course with search function if they are available.

It's lately really difficult to find out on Mangaupdates if it's possible to find a printed series/volume of the series.
In the past you could use the search function and search if it's licensed.
However lately it's starts to get difficult to fish out the printed ones in English between all those online publishing.

And when the print isn't available any more you can change the word 'yes' back to 'no'.

I hope this would make it easier to have a list what is available so we can buy it. It's really annoying to find out to late that something you wanted goes out of print.

Even after dead, we raise from the ashes for the sake of manga.
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