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Ashita no YoichiI understand how some people feel about bashing manga like this. But the sad fact is that this is just another failed attempt at making a good harem action manga. This comment I typed earlier pretty much sums it up for people trying to defend cliche manga like this:

"The thing is that just because something's in a genre or demographic that's known for its' cliches, that doesn't mean that it has to follow any of them. Some people have forgotten to realize this and just decide to blindly accept ...... 
Baka to BoinOkay, so two more chapters came out and I'm glad that it didn't take the road I thought it would. The other two chapters were very interesting (The whole process in chapter 2 was a bit confusing though).

I only have two problems with it now. The first is Yamada. The man just screams and freaks out too much about everything. It's become more annoying than Kokoro's lack of common sense (Which thankfully, hasn't shown up after the first chapter). The other thing is the faces. Kobayashi draws eve...... 
Blazer DriveWhen I read this manga, I saw SO many similarities to Naruto and 666 Satan, that it makes me wonder if both of the Kishimoto brothers are starting to run out of ideas. I'm not trying to bash the series, it's just that when you read this manga, it makes you feel like you're reading a What If comic with some of the characters from Naruto and 666 Satan. You could easily find all of the characters' counterparts from Blazer Drive in Naruto and 666 Satan, and because of that, it makes the character...... 
Eyeshield 21Now, I'm a big American Football fan. I know all the rules, and watch every game that I can. When I first found out that there was a manga about American Football, I was excited yet curious to whether or not the manga would actually do it justice. The answer to that is that it get the rules right most of the time, but whenever they mess up, it's always one of the rules that even a newcomer would pick up if they sat down and watched a game.

Now don't get me wrong, I liked this manga a lot. But ...... 
Go! Tenba CheerleadersI randomly found this manga two days ago and it's surprisingly good. The characters aren't two-dimensional, it goes into detail about all of the things cheerleaders have to do in order to do their routines, and the protagonists are people you actually want to root for instead of beat up. The only thing I don't like about the manga is the cheerleading coach Kuroi. She's pretty much a shallow bitch that yells at people over every little thing and only cares about looks. She cuddles and becomes ...... 
Mai-chan's Daily LifeWhen I read the first chapter, I was like eek , and later as I read it I went from none to laugh . The gore in here goes from extreme to ridiculous the further you read it.

I guess a good comparison to it would be the Evil Dead trilogy in terms of blood and gore. So if you liked any Evil Dead movie, then you'll like this. For anyone else...let's just say that you probably won't like hamburgers for a while after reading this...
Maken-kiTakeda Hiromitsu is one of my favorite H-Artists. When I looked up his name on here, I found that he had a non-hentai manga running. So, I found a manga reading website that had it and started to read the story.


This story is shit. I knew that it would be bad since 98% of H-Artists write stories that have horrid plots and characterization, but Jesus Christ...This is the reason why Al Gore is trying to make everyone save the planet. Trees have died for nothing when they decided to print this...... 
Peach GirlIt seems that some people on here don't know the difference between well-written drama, and unconvincing, horribly written drama. Peach Girl is the latter by a mile.

I'm not gonna put up a long rant about it because every one of the negative comments has already done the work for me. If you want to read well-written drama, then Bitter Virgin has it in spades.
Rosario + VampireEDIT: To Helzagore's review above mine: When does poorly written character development and huge plot holes equal making characters "more humane"? Is it when people just simply forget about how other characters have turned students into mind slaves or into stone and decide that they're no danger to the student body and can still teach? Is it when villains go, "Hey, Tsukune's right, and I'm wrong, even though he's feeding me a poorly executed apology, and thinks that if one person comes up and ...... 
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