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Top 5 Mangaka
(175 posts, 41126 views) Posted: over 13 years ago by bully_jesus in Manga General
I can't effen believe this thread is still around!
Is it good to believe in God?
(57 posts, 6536 views) Posted: over 16 years ago by bully_jesus in Chatter Box
Quote from Katalyst78
I didn't use to believe in God but as crazy as it may seem I think it's crazier to believe the universe was made by coincidence because for the atoms to react to create the universe/planets it's like a .00000000000000000001 chance.

How much do you kn...
Is it good to believe in God?
(57 posts, 6536 views) Posted: over 16 years ago by bully_jesus in Chatter Box
Quote from Dr. Love
Religion is not meant for young people.

great quote Dr. Love!

I myself believe that religous/supernatural Beliefs help people make their Lifes easier. But i dislike that these beliefs replace "i don't know" with naive ideas of how things are.

Example: I ...
Tag auch / Hello
(31 posts, 3853 views) Posted: over 16 years ago by bully_jesus in User Announcements
Welcome to the world of the lonely!!!
GrĂ¼sse aus Berlin, willkommen in der Welt der Mangadeppen.
Does art matter?
(116 posts, 17486 views) Posted: over 16 years ago by bully_jesus in Manga General
Art matters of course, its truely about half of a comic/manga.

Good stories are much better found in books, i wouldn't read mangas/comics just for the story.

Language Help..
(14 posts, 2989 views) Posted: over 16 years ago by bully_jesus in Chatter Box
I speak fluently, but i do have some grammer spelling mistakes, somebody else can check for those. I'm keeping it simple so it isn't obvious you cheated on your homework. It isn't perfect.

1. Kudos for picking picking Fitness, a english word which isn't that easy to use i...
the most coolest POWER UP !!!!!
(69 posts, 9477 views) Posted: over 16 years ago by bully_jesus in Manga General
I read the first 20 volumes of Dragon Ball, but i don't think that was enough to get to Super Sai.

Hmmm, coolest Powerup, I guess i'd go with bankai, because there are so many different variations. That is what i like about Bleach too, even if the Story sucks...
What are you playing now?
(2197 posts, 290214 views) Posted: over 16 years ago by bully_jesus in Games
freedom force 2
gears of war
half life 2

but i don't play all that much
So, the nosebleed...
(37 posts, 5994 views) Posted: over 16 years ago by bully_jesus in Manga General
This subject has popped up before.

Just wanted to say, that i have once got a nosebleed from thinking about sex. It's wierd, it only happend once, but i never have nosebleeds otherwise!
Cant we all be friend even if one of us is gay
(202 posts, 26016 views) Posted: over 16 years ago by bully_jesus in Adult (18+)
wow, what a heated discussion,

I voted other, because the people i know (including me ) who use gay as a derogatory term don't mean that homosexuals are in anyway bad. Its similar to calling my flatmate a girl, I do not hate girls, infact quite the opposite.
Language Help..
(14 posts, 2989 views) Posted: over 16 years ago by bully_jesus in Chatter Box
i congratulating you on picking a seriuosly cryptic song to want to get translated.
next time just ask for the usual rammstein translation, those take like 5 minutes smile
shonen or shoujo art?
(119 posts, 19959 views) Posted: over 16 years ago by bully_jesus in Manga General
no question, shonen
Other World
(53 posts, 7517 views) Posted: over 16 years ago by bully_jesus in Manga General
Hmmm, good question.
A lot of the really cool places are sort of bad choices, way to dangerous. And everybody is much more powerfull than a panzer.

Hmmmm, I think One Piece would be really fun. Having a job on that isle building ships schould be fun....
Death penalty
(177 posts, 19048 views) Posted: over 16 years ago by bully_jesus in Chatter Box
I am against the death penalty, because it gives goverments the means to kill people. If they want you dead bad enough, they can kill you for high treason.
what do you want to happen to us in 1 million years...
(51 posts, 4115 views) Posted: over 16 years ago by bully_jesus in Chatter Box
"In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war."

mad mad mad
(133 posts, 16829 views) Posted: over 16 years ago by bully_jesus in Chatter Box
Quote from heardtheowl
I did life sciences! Molecular, Cellular and Developmental biology and I finished off with Ecological and Evolutionary biology. Never did much in the ecological area though - mainly concentrated on evolutionary developmental bio and bio-engineering...
Boob Size Preferance
(602 posts, 93272 views) Posted: over 16 years ago by bully_jesus in Adult (18+)
While i was, huh, doing research, hmm, for my homework, i ahhhhhhh, stumbeld across this on Wikipedia:
"Some zoologists (notably Desmond Morris) believe that the shape of female breasts evolved as a frontal counterpart to that of the buttocks, the reason being that whilst ...
Deity, Evolution, or Something Else
(57 posts, 4674 views) Posted: over 16 years ago by bully_jesus in Chatter Box
My example with China perfectly fits your example. Laws that work for us ( in not China ) may not work there, because: "There very well could be even more factors in those instances that could displace that theory and force it to be applied in a smaller dimension than wha...
Deity, Evolution, or Something Else
(57 posts, 4674 views) Posted: over 16 years ago by bully_jesus in Chatter Box
Quote from JohnGalt
Don't really have an issue with most of what you said bully_jesus, but Einstein's Theory of Space and Time is just that....a theory and as such, is just something that can be referenced and not truly counted on.

I wouldn't call it only a theory. It is a...
Political Standpoint..
(116 posts, 9963 views) Posted: over 16 years ago by bully_jesus in Chatter Box
Quote from Dr. Love
Well, I at least have been said by dozens that you must vote at 18, for the political party you prefer.. *sigh* I'll search it up.. >_> laugh

Germany doesn't have it.. So you don't have to vote, I see.. eyes

Edit: I looked it up.. Apparantly it's calle...
Political Standpoint..
(116 posts, 9963 views) Posted: over 16 years ago by bully_jesus in Chatter Box
Quote from tps2
The most rich countries have nearly everithing privatizaded...

Not really true i would say.

And i think its a myth that Belgium has mandatory voting. That would probably even meen exclusion from the EU. I wouldn't believe that without anything to back it up....
Deity, Evolution, or Something Else
(57 posts, 4674 views) Posted: over 16 years ago by bully_jesus in Chatter Box
Quote from ahoaho
Chemical engineering y'all.... and this is as much a philosophical question as it is a scientific question. How did it all get started... Those who emphasize science will say the big bang theory. And where do we find evidence of the big bang? The doppler ...
what if you know?
(91 posts, 7861 views) Posted: over 16 years ago by bully_jesus in Chatter Box
Wait a second,
i don't get the question.
"What IF you know.... ", but there is no if. We all know we are going to die.

I guess that if i were going to die Tomorrow i'd write my will, waste my money bying things i always wanted and buying other peopl...
Political Standpoint..
(116 posts, 9963 views) Posted: over 16 years ago by bully_jesus in Chatter Box
Quote from ahoaho
Quote from bully_jesus
I don't identify with the democrats or the repuclicans, nor with one of the 5 german partys, but I guess I'll vote democrat on the poll because it comes the closest.

Here a quick sum up:
-i am anti privatization ( education, water, pub...
Political Standpoint..
(116 posts, 9963 views) Posted: over 16 years ago by bully_jesus in Chatter Box
Quote from Xeronia
Ending the two party system would be very hard. You'd be trying to pull a Stephen Colbert across the country.

If Nader ran on the Democratic ticket, he might win. Whether that'll happen, I don't know.

Sadly, you are very right about the two party state. I...

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