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11:48 pm, Sep 7 2011
Posts: 81

I want to read a manga with the following requirements:

-Shounen with female lead.
-Female lead or major side character who is also female crossdresses or is just mistaken as a guy for most of the story.
-Similar to Bleach, Naruto, and HunterXHunter regarding the fantasy and action.
-Romance between crossdressing girl and some other guy.

Does not have to be a long story.
It's better if the crossdressing female is not known to be female by the reader.

no yaoi or yuri

Sorry if my request is really specific!

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12:55 am, Sep 8 2011
Posts: 70

Uh, that is rather specific, the only thing that comes close is 1/2 prince which is shounen (actually it's both shounen and shoujo) with a female lead, she is mistaken for a guy, and it's definately fantasy with action & romance thrown in.

Saver However, it is shoujo.

Another suggestions would be Arachnid but it doesn't satisfy all your requirments; however it is pretty close, and an enjoyable read in my opinion.

Teiden Shoujo to Hanemushi no Orchestra With a female lead, shounen, romance, fantasy, and action; but there is no gender bender... The art is quite unique and beautiful and the plot is interesting thus far. Likewise, Sengoku Strays has no gender bender.

Hope you find something you're looking for. smile

Last edited by CLouDFaeRie at 1:06 am, Sep 8 2011


12:10 am, Sep 13 2011
Posts: 21


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