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New Poll - Batoto Closing

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1:38 am, Jan 13 2018
Posts: 10691

This week's poll is in honor of the news that Batoto will be closing soon.

Previous Poll Results:
Question: Series is complete but only partially scanlated. No one is translating it anymore (i.e. dropped project)
I'd still read it - votes: 3113 (60.4%)
Nope, skip it - votes: 2040 (39.6%)
There were 5153 total votes.
The poll ended: January 13th 2018

Hopefully someone else will pick up the series

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2:30 am, Jan 13 2018
Posts: 2410

Just a little but for like a month and on a barely perceivable level. Till the groups stationed there go somewhere else, they always do.

I also read EU/US comics and am a librarian.
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Lone Wanderer

2:46 am, Jan 13 2018
Posts: 2127

Second option for me, not because I read a lot of manga there (I don't read online at all if I can help it), but because there were several anonymous groups based on Batoto who were scanlating series I read, and I have no idea where they'll go now.

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4:13 am, Jan 13 2018
Posts: 224

It is not too bad, i know original websites of most scanlators i like, and i don't mind reading/downloading from there... Batoto was my second choice though...

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Post #750472

4:20 am, Jan 13 2018
Posts: 80

It will kind of affect my manga habits, as Batoto is the one where the anonymous updates are usually posted first. But more than anything, I'm just sad. Batoto was one of my first manga sites, if not the first one. I remember reading ToG, Kubera and Magician on Batoto, back when those were still being translated by fans (around 2012-2013 I guess.) Even though I don't use Batoto that much, I'll still miss it.

Thank you for everything, Grumpy from Batoto.

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Scan Master

8:37 am, Jan 13 2018
Posts: 138

Just a little.
I don't typically read manga online, I like the two-page layout I can get from an offline reader better. Batoto was really convenient, though, and the quality of images was top-notch, with most chapters using the group's original png files, without any annoying jpeg re-compression.
It was also a great place for discussion, with so many people posting on there... but I'm sure those users will go elsewhere for chapter discussion now. Perhaps Kissmanga? Perhaps a new reader site?

Batoto was a high quality reader site, and really set a high bar for other sites to follow. Things will change now, but I think the demand from users for a high quality site is still there, and other sites, now more than ever, will try to follow in Batoto's footsteps. I'm sure another site will pop up within a few weeks, or a couple months, and things will be mostly back to normal.

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Post #750541
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2:18 pm, Jan 13 2018
Posts: 606

Huge problems for me. Batoto was my go to for a collective range of manga. I really liked that there was a site where everything was organized. I only had a few websites of groups who didn't allow uploads.. I'm going to have to change the way I read manga... 3:

Post #750545
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5:13 pm, Jan 13 2018
Posts: 17

Usually I don't trust on-line sources, precisely for this reason - because they can close down. I don't want my reading to depend on someone else this much, and also to depend on my access to internet. AND manga-pages look much better and more easily understandable for me when I can see a page in its entirety, and don't need to scroll. It's really hard for me to read on-line.
For those reasons I download almost everything I read, and you can't easily download from batoto, so... no, this won't affect me at all.

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7:41 pm, Jan 13 2018
Posts: 67

Nothing changes.I go straight to the groups for my fix anyway. The few series that was done by small groups that go straight to batoto and won't migrate will eventually be picked up by someone else if they're popular enough. If not, well, waiting patiently for releases isn't new to me anyway and there's more content that I'll want to read in the meantime.

The early bird may have caught the early worm, but the late worm survived!!
Post #750555
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9:35 pm, Jan 13 2018
Posts: 186

Just a little.
I prefer to go to a group's online reader (especially since I technically didn't have an account on batoto and couldn't read the older chapters anyway.)
For the groups that solely relied on batoto, here's hoping they get an online reader of their own.
If not, dang-it, but I'll survive.

I can't read/speak any languages other than English (all the Spanish I learned left my brain otl), but I did like the multiple language feature that batoto had, since I haven't seen another site have that option.

Post #750557

9:50 pm, Jan 13 2018
Posts: 263

considering I would rather not read a manga than read it online, nothing changes for me, I still have my sources for direct downloads and if that fails directly from the scanlators.

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11:06 pm, Jan 13 2018
Posts: 620

I'm f*cked. I read on multiple devices and am following hundreds of series, so I use batoto to track where I am. With it gone, I'm going to have a hell of a time tracking down everything on my list.

Post #750565

12:17 am, Jan 14 2018
Posts: 25

One of the things I'm really going to miss is discovering new series easily through them.

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12:58 am, Jan 14 2018
Posts: 374

We'll have to see what scanlators who exclusively uploaded on batoto are going to do now. It's really too bad. Finding out what's currently popular or things like the comment section for every manga were pretty cool.

What's really a shame though is that now the only aggregator site that gave a shit about scanlators and didn't flood the net with bots is gone. New readers will all be going to MF or whatever none

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3:19 am, Jan 14 2018
Posts: 421

Chose Nope, nothing changes for me.
I stay almost unaffected, as the bare minimum ripples it created for me are totally ignorable.
I had an account there, on batoto forum. Which saw close to no action in the recent years. (not like I was really active previously anyway.)
I created it, as a fan of Tower of God's translation by The Company, which they stopped doing after Naver launched LINE Webtoon and started translating it officially in English and few other languages. If you didn't know prior to this, it is Grumpy and other The Company stuffs created batoto.
Lately I have been using batoto forum to follow TOG spoiler thread only, which one can do without signing up anyway (like I did). Now It's closing down, I still got Reddit, FB, Discord. I'm fairly active there.
That's my POV on the subject.

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