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You Love Anime and Manga but...

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6:58 pm, Jan 10 2010
Posts: 774

So you LOVE Manga and Anime but where do you draw the "line"?

I go to conventions... and dress up. I can tell anyone I go to conventions but refuse to tell them I dress up unless we are really close.

But seriously I draw the line at wearing costumes and dressing nerdy in public. Like I have a shirt that says "MANGA!" (I got it for free) and then has the hiragana behind it... but I would rather die then wear it in public.

If you ask I'll say I love manga but I don't want to just shout it at everyone. It's the not the first thing I want people to think about me.

Same goes for gaudy anime accessories: bags, necklaces, ect.
If it's small and ONLY someone who knows that series would understand, then I would wear it.

I would never date a guy wearing a Naruto shirt. Even if he looked like Tom Cruise no

Last edited by Kitteh_13 at 7:17 pm, Apr 13 2010

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7:10 pm, Jan 10 2010
Posts: 1036

I am EXACTLY the same as you. Fans get a bad reputation, they all automatically get classified as idiots who think orange jumpsuits are the epitome of cool. I even hate using the word anime or manga in a sentence because of the fans I know that ARE like that. >>

I don't tell many people that I am into anime/manga, but I have had complete strangers come up as if they had a radar and ask me if I like it. Then, they follow up with talking about Naruto/Bleach/Vampire Knight/OHSHC/etc...

I also hate the gaudy accessories. The most I have is a necklace of the Soul Eater skull, which only fans of it would know about (which so far has been one single person that I have met).

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7:23 pm, Jan 10 2010
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If I've only met someone a few times, I probably wouldn't tell them what I'm interested in unless I get closer to them. Like you said, it's something I just don't shout to the world saying that "I Love manga and anime!". I sometimes even get embarresed when people come in my room because all my shelves are filled with manga in Japanese and English (Even though most of the time, they're amazed by it). I try to be as much of a closet nerd as I can. I told myself, when I move outta my parents house, I'm so having an extra room just for my manga and anime. I would probably lock up the room and only allow close friends to go in it. Yeah, I'm that embarresed about my hobby. ^^;

EDIT: Oh yeah, I guess you could say that I have drawn the line. I go to anime conventions all the time. I've only dressed up maybe once or twice.

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7:32 pm, Jan 10 2010
Posts: 332

Are you kidding? Tom Cruise is not hot. He's old. no

I watch anime and read manga, and sometimes look for fan videos on youtube. And that's it. I am not interested in conventions, shirts, etc. I don't see them any different from watching movies and TV shows. Why do they have to do with what I wear?

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7:37 pm, Jan 10 2010
Posts: 874

Its so interesting to see manga and anime lovers being critical of other fans and their hobbies. It's very hypocritical.

I would wear a costume to a convention or something like that, I wouldn't wear it outside like that for no specific reason, simply because I don't see the point and I wouldn't want the attention.

If it somehow comes up in a conversation then I would talk about it. I'm not afraid to say I like it. If you want to let the manga and anime stereotypes get to you and hinder you, well your problem.

If I see a manga or anime accessory that I like then I'll get it and wear it

No one gives a shit what trite garbage you write here.
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7:38 pm, Jan 10 2010
Posts: 574

I don't really care, sort of indifferent.
I leave my interests at home unless the appropriate situation arises.

I'd be fine walking around with anime & manga accessories (if I had them,) like a little haruhi on my key chain, or a sailor moon necklace.

No different than people that wear House, Invader Zim, Hannah Montana (oh jeez) shirts. Only thing is the stereotypes. And I want to avoid confused gazes, since I don't like to draw attention of any sort, especially in public.

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Post #348300 - Reply to (#348297) by secretdesires
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7:43 pm, Jan 10 2010
Posts: 774

Quote from secretdesires
Its so interesting to see manga and anime lovers being critical of other fans and their hobbies. It's very hypocritical.

I don't see how it is hypocritical. It's like hating people who are fond of PDA. Of course we all love, but people have different ways of showing it; that won't stop me from gagging loudly at the sight of a couple fondling eachother in public.

I do have a love affair with Manga, and it is a MASSIVE part of my life, but I don't need to throw a parade everywhere I go.

Quote from mewnbrite
No different than people that wear House, Invader Zim, Hannah Montana (oh jeez) shirts.

I think I just gagged a little.

Quote from mewnbrite
Only thing is the stereotypes. And I want to avoid confused gazes, since I don't like to draw attention of any sort, especially in public.

EXACTLY. I just don't want liking manga to be the first thing someone learns about me. Plus most anime nerds have horrible horrible stereotypes. -blarg-

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1:34 am, Jan 11 2010
Posts: 195

I don't talk about all the yoai I read with people... Unless they read it themselves...

Post #348423
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Is a female

4:07 am, Jan 11 2010
Posts: 3457

Erm, well each to their own I guess. I mean, if people enjoy wearing accessories from their favourite manga and anime and don't care if people know, then props to them y'know?
I don't have a problem with it.

I personally don't cosplay. I have a few trinkets here and there, but nothing major. I mean, you wouldn't know they were there unless you know about that manga/anime laugh

As for t-shirts. Like mewnbrite said, no different to those other t-shirts that show what people like. I mean, what about all those people that wear Superman t-shirts or shirts with their favourite band on or something? Same thing really.

I however think the line is drawn when I saw that guys room in one of the threads. Oh god, I think it was the "You know you're otaku when..." Leme see if I can find that link. It was madness I tell you.

Yeah, t'was this one:

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5:58 am, Jan 11 2010
Posts: 774

That's intense. He needs to make a line... and then stay behind it.


If it was only his attic whatever. He can lock the door and keep it a secret... but that is his room. I wonder if he has ever been laid? laugh

Edit: I am mad jealous of his manga book cases. I want that.

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Post #348608 - Reply to (#348281) by Kitteh_13
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1:47 pm, Jan 11 2010
Posts: 1698

Quote from Kitteh_13
I would never date a guy wearing a Naruto shirt. Even if he looked like Tom Cruise no
LOL, the image in my head. It won't go away. XD

I love to go to conventions, and I'm a devoted cosplayer. I'll only admit it where it's welcomed. For example, to friends who also like anime/manga, and etc. But what's worn in the Cons, STAYS in the con. I'm not the type to wear an anime t-shirt and go out like that. I rather not, it's not my style. I actually don't have any anime/manga t-shirts.. Only accessories/jewelry that I thought looked so cool in the manga/anime.

When I see people who do wear anime shirts or etc, I make a mental note of it. "Look at that, that guy likes (insert anime title here.) *___*" It's more like I just point it out because I notice. It doesn't really bother me.

@tactics, I've seen that bookshelf before! I forgot which website, but I was in awe. That's an amazing amount of time and devotion! But if he was caught in an earthquake with all those things around... They wouldn't find the guy for a week. XD

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2:04 pm, Jan 11 2010
Posts: 48

well i have only started going ot conventions and i have coaplsyed both times so far and i dont give two hoots weather people stair at me for cosplaying i have done it in public and i still think its ok , so what if people laugh then good for them but i will just turn roungd and laugh at what they are wearing haha, why should i be ashamed of he fact i like anime and manga, i dont think any one has the right to judge me apart form me, so screw everyone else

Post #350532 - Reply to (#348281) by Kitteh_13
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Sweetly Macabre

1:28 am, Jan 18 2010
Posts: 1005

Quote from Kitteh_13
I would never date a guy wearing a Naruto shirt. Even if he looked like Tom Cruise no

That made my day laugh

I don't care if people own something like a pin or a keychain,
And I cosplay myself.
But somehow the idea of forcing everyone to realize you like anime is very annoying. It makes me think of all the annoying children in their annoying Hot Topic shirts.

Post #350864

5:24 am, Jan 19 2010
Posts: 165

I read manga online and seldom watch anime, I occasionally talk to my sister or a friend about a current manga i'm reading and I pass recommendations as they do. That's pretty much it, apart from downloading soundtracks I guess and perhaps taking anime images off of the internet just out of interest.
I'm not hardcore as I previously was when I was 14, I had posters and scrolls on my walls and was even planning to move to Japan and call myself ''Sakura'' laugh

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10:01 am, Jan 19 2010
Posts: 774

Bahahahaha didn't we all have that phase?
I don't have the heart to take down my furuba wall scrolls.
Totally said Konnichiwa when I was saying hello to my friends for a week.

How embarrassing. roll

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