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action manga about a girl who has a alternate side

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11:16 pm, Apr 25 2012
Posts: 113

i am looking for the name of a manga. The manga is about a girl who goes to school with a boy who is kind of weak but i think he is in love with her. But the girl was raised by three men, each one of the men that she was raised by is the master of a different martial art. And this girl has a alternate ego. one ego is that she is nice and kind and her other ego is sort of a fighter. I think in this manga that the girl is engaged to the boy or something like that. Well thats all i can remember about this manga so if you can help me figure out the name of this manga then thankx. wink

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11:36 pm, Apr 25 2012
Posts: 716

Change 123 I believe

Is this me in a nutshell?
Pretty much.
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