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Hateful guy who doesn't forgive

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3:45 am, Jun 1 2013
Posts: 217

Okay I just watched a drama called A Frozen Flower and totally fell in love with the guy's reaction. So there was a gay king and he got himself a man bitch to fuck. He got a wife also (well he was a king), he didn't wanna fuck her so he told the bitch to. Bitch fell in love with the wife. King found out but forgave them anyway. Then they planned to run away together so king cut off bitch's balls. Stuff happens later and they killed each other.
Well I'm looking for yaoi with the main character that's like the king in the story I told. Hateful, vengeful, and willing to do nasty things roll eyes
And yeah it would be awesome if the story's in the psycho's point of view.

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2:07 pm, Jun 1 2013
Posts: 125

Wtf did I just read...

He... he... cut his balls? O.O

Yet... Would you not spoil everything... =/

I'm sorry that I can't help you. Haven't read yaois or watched animes/series with such vengefull people. Most of the time, the Uke or Seme will forgive or fall in love even after rape. They hate the other for a time, then it's all right.

Some things may interest you thought. I like the vengence/revenge theme. The best exemple I have is Sono Kuchibiru ni Yoru no Tsuyu if you want more tell me but they won't be as perfect as this one.

Variety's the very spice of life, That gives it all its flavor. -- William Cowper
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3:52 pm, Jun 1 2013
Posts: 505

Have you ever watched the king and the clown?! It's another drama and amazing one that is. It kinda fits your description? Well they were never in love to begin with but yeah....

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Post #601685 - Reply to (#601615) by AngelCharms
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11:50 pm, Jun 1 2013
Posts: 217

@-Pumpkin- lol sr for the spoilers then, I shouldve put it in a spoiler box. Sr I kinda read that one already, and it doesn't really fit. Both of them just went on and forgot about the rape and be lovey dovey later. But thanks for mentioning that to me.

@AngelCharms I haven't, but considering that you said it was similar to A Frozen Flower, I'll definitely watch it. Thanks a bunch

Btw, I think Fukuin kinda fits what I'm looking for. So could you guys please rec me something similar to Fukuin?

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1:29 am, Jun 2 2013
Posts: 125

>.< You pushed trough my limit of recomendations then!! (Oh noes! =O )
I have some vengence themed yaois but as said, they end up falling in love! =.=' Haven't yet find that gem you're searching for when they keep up to their point until the very end... Anyway, if ever I do, I'll take a visit here! ;D

Great searches! Hope you find what you're looking for! biggrin

Variety's the very spice of life, That gives it all its flavor. -- William Cowper
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