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Looking For A Manga :'D

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2:00 am, Aug 5 2017
Posts: 2

Hey! So, I'm having difficulty remember this manga that I read a few years ago. I tried searching, but still came out with nothing.

What I Remember: (100% sure)
♦ In the beginning, I remember the Male Protag is a blind fighter. He's got these cool glasses? that help him fight.
♦ The protag is a young girl who runs to the Male Protag and asks for his help.
♦ There is, at one point later in the manga, where the girl ends up attending school.
♦ Said school gets attacked because the girl's there.
♦ At some point, I remember that the girl ends up developing feelings for this guy, though there is an age difference.

What I Think Happened: (not 100% sure)
♦ I don't know why, but I remember a doctor in the school arc. Probably not relevant.
♦ There's an arc that takes place in Africa?? Don't know why, but they go from Japan to Africa. (Post-School Arc)
♦ The girl is on the run because some criminal dude wants to kidnap her and have her give birth to his kids or something because she has this special ability. I don't know if this is accurate considering I don't remember if the manga's got some magic elements to it.

I think that's all I really remember :'D
If anyone finds it, thank you in advance!

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3:18 am, Aug 5 2017
Posts: 412

Sounds like Until Death Do Us Part, though I never read far enough to get to some of those later parts.


6:08 am, Aug 5 2017
Posts: 2

I managed to quickly read through it, and I think I've got most of my memory incorrect, asides for the fact of what happens in the beginning ahah |'D

But other than that, thank you for the help!!!!!!

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