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Steal This Project!!!!

Can other scanlator group steal another group manga project and release it?
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10:40 pm, Jul 7 2007
Posts: 24

honestly i think kmts is great and all and i like read almost everyone one of thier mangas
but like really if you that scared of compotion be better than the guy and out scantalate him with better quality and speed jeez
hes one guy and you guys are a whole scantalation group just try to recruit more ppl to work on the damn project or just focus on it more cause you guys are a decent group BTW change guy and ID ftw anyways maddochi just keep doing what your doing either they can be total rejects and cry about it or it will light a fire under thier rumps and help them go fast enough so your statified and stop. jezz look at naruto or one piece they got liek a billion group going after them. that just mean ktms are choosing good manga and that deserves a lil' compotition. ktms start acting like big boys and girls and scantale the way you are or certain ppl will start thinking you got an attitude and start hating you.jeez we dont want another tamzo inccident, well maybe that going to far, but i think ppl kno what i mean. jus stop whinning.

Sry for all the typos and mistakes ima bad typer when i type faster than i should. <3 =)

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9:51 pm, Jul 8 2007
Posts: 1

well, the topic is "is it alright to steal other people project"

my answer is "yes"
madochi juz providing an option for leecher to choose from,
and competitions make things better for everybody

so, about the childish or not,
let juz get on wif the real life....
ohya, remember to release faster and better too, if u dun want ur project getting stolen or wat so ever~

p.s : well, we scanlator group are stealing projects from the original mangaka, so, i dun think this is a matter to have a fuss about~
if we have time to argue, better stop from sucking those leecher money for getting wat they can get for free...

Post #24949
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10:19 pm, Jul 8 2007
Posts: 182

Madocchii did it for the lulz...

Post #24967 - Reply to (#24949) by Anima
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Lazy Mofo

11:37 pm, Jul 8 2007
Posts: 57

Quote from Anima
Madocchii did it for the lulz...

yes i did it for the lulz. the result is amazing.

Kindan no Aku Founder

11:59 pm, Jul 8 2007
Posts: 1

yes i did it for the lulz. the result is amazing.

you should find yourself a gf with that much free time on your hands.

Post #24972 - Reply to (#24971) by innovative
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Lazy Mofo

12:33 am, Jul 9 2007
Posts: 57

Quote from innovative
yes i did it for the lulz. the result is amazing.

you should find yourself a gf with that much free time on your hands.

fufufufufufu an hour is all it takes a chapter. thats not alot of free time. why dont u ask kmts to stop bitching about it on ur free time instead of signing up here just to post that?

Kindan no Aku Founder
Post #24980 - Reply to (#24972) by Madocchi

1:13 am, Jul 9 2007
Posts: 4

Quote from Madocchi
Quote from innovative
yes i did it for the lulz. the result is amazing.

you should find yourself a gf with that much free time on your hands.

fufufufufufu an hour is all it takes a chapter. thats not alot of free time. why dont u ask kmts to stop bitching about it on ur free time instead of signing up here just to post that?

+1 cool points to Madocchi biggrin

Post #24992
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3:21 am, Jul 9 2007
Posts: 169

Well, back to topic...

First, while nobody of us can claim any rights like "my manga, my project" the most important reason against "project stealing" is simply: it's a waste of time and effort for both parties. Why do the work twice? When a group is doing good and (more or less) regular work, there's no need to pick up their project and waiting a month (e.g. during exam period of the scanlators) doesn't hurt anyone. A little bit respect for the work that others put in, isn't much to ask for. And honestly, there're plenty of other great manga waiting for a group to pick it up. No need to have several groups on one project.

But I don't see a problem in taking a project when the original group is obviously less interessted in it or simply to busy with reallife or other projects. There're some short completed series which get a chapter release every few month, so it takes a two volume long series 4-5 years to get completly scanlated. That's not necessary either when another group is willing and able to speed up the whole process. I know, we're doing that all in our free time and have our busy periods but basically we do it to promote the manga and a manga with a long wait between the chapters does not a have chance to addict any readers. Even the best story gets boring then - which is why I also prefer volume releases, it's much more pleasant to read.
So, in this case the original group shouldn't complain but be happy that the MANGA (!) gets help and attention. Scanlating is to promote the series not the groups (my! me! mine! >.> ).

Well, that's not the case with what Madocchi did. But he didn't picked up the series offically as a whole with his group, just released a few faster scans inbetween. With that, I don't see a problem either since it doesn't affect at all the work and "status" of the original group. People will - as many already said here - try to keep their collection in order and will replace his scans sooner or later anyway.
It's the same with Naruto, Bleach and other series with many groups. Most of them are Speedscans or scanlations for the first nice read, but the ones that get saved and archived in the end will be the HQ works by the very few well-known groups. Reason and quality of those scanlations are way to different to compare it and there's just no ground to fight over it.

... and back to exam studies ^_^


Sorry, I'm Late.
But I Got Lost On The Road Of Life.
Post #25463

7:50 pm, Jul 9 2007
Posts: 4

laugh laugh laugh

Groups who think they own the manga series they scanlate should punch themselves in the face, and realise that they're using a mangaka's material to gain recognition in the first place.

And now they're planning to only distribute chapters to donaters. Earning money by stealing someone else's hard work? Wow, way to earn more respect. "We're only using the money to pay for hosting"?, why not just say you're selling stolen rolexes to keep the shop open.

You can spew out as many ethics and moral nonsense as you want, but the manga wasn't yours to begin with.

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1:47 am, Jul 10 2007
Posts: 347

I voted 'No' because a group cannot "steal" another groups project. It's not possible because possession is not the groups to begin with. Now whether or not its moral or ethical is a slightly different question. I feel that although its rather rude to do so without consulting the group who has been scanning the project, there is nothing wrong with picking up a project you want to do, even if someone else is doing it. This is regardless of speed or anything, it doesn't matter the circumstances its always the same answer. You're not likely to make many friends that way (without asking), but thats bound to happen in any situation where you are not being polite. It pays to be polite.

But at the end of the day there is still nothing stopping another group from picking up a project being done by another group. No unwritten rules of scanlating manga there, at least not that I've read. biggrin

oh and pongus, the rolex comparison is sheer genius ^_^ laugh

Can't read >_<
Post #27004

7:58 am, Jul 14 2007
Posts: 189

Hey people there are that don't get it. They want to fight do it on sight. but KMTS was doing so slowly and then only on a place most can not get to. Some pulls the stopper out and get it done not as good get the fatman working again. Same things happening the Negima FO fast, crude and careless, AQS slower had troouble needs help some times. The groups been going awhile.

Everyone shuold be patting backs not fighting.

Wear I work sometime the Jap maid has trouoble talking because she has to fit the words into our speak.

good go all smile wink grin

love and peace

7:36 pm, Jul 21 2007
Posts: 316


ahaha... I'm translating the Suzuka stuff... but there's a group that comes along and releases ch 158 when 157 isn't even out yet.

my reaction?

I send an email to him pointing out where we get our higher quality raws.

Aahahaha... if CGY comes around here, I want to thank him. He got me off my lazy ass and I started translating again. :]

Competition is good.

Monopoly is bad.



3:59 am, Jul 22 2007
Posts: 9

Guess only a leecher would say Steal the project!
LOL, personally i think having more then 1 group who does the same manga even though the it going at a decenet pace already is a waste of resources. More manga needs to be scanlated!, go do something else. More manga for everyone!.

I really hate the 10+ group that does naruto, but then again they do suck at scanlating . dead

Also, there pretty much is an unwritten rule not to steal other group projects lol.

Post #37954
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4:12 am, Aug 18 2007
Posts: 16

lol kmts should have more of their projects "stealed" they are just too slow on some manga even though the quality is good embarrassed

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4:17 am, Aug 18 2007
Posts: 310

I'm just glad most the stuff I like is unpopular. That way retards don't show up to "steal" anything.

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