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Historical Manga

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Post #694527

9:45 pm, Aug 17 2017
Posts: 27

Looking for a manga about a historical figure (believe he was roman/greek). What I remember about the story is that he was very smart and read a lot of scrolls. I think he was the son of a (maybe) important figure, the mayor or something. His brother was blonde and was more brawn than brains. A man enters the town who is from a different place whom are treated like savages but have very high pride and are very strong. This man kills many people in the town, and the boy is nice to him before he kills people. He eventually dies and I think he killed the mc's family, and the mc ended up becoming a servant to the family or something like this. Later on in the story he goes to another village in which they wear pants (whereas he wore robes) and have their swords placed on the opposite side that he is used to. He teaches the town, starting of with the kids, about something (not quite sure, might be religion). The village was going to be attacked or something, and he came up with a plan to stop it (might have been building of walls)
He also returned home with some other people he met on his journey and an old women, there were a bunch of soldiers and he came up with the idea that the women was the mother of someone inside or something like that and they let them through.

Last edited by mibby12 at 9:51 pm, Aug 17 2017

Post #694528

9:58 pm, Aug 17 2017
Posts: 27

Just found it 6 min later.... It's Historie

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