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8:40 pm, Dec 5 2009
Posts: 560

Yeah, I've heard it maybe twice. I didn't really mind, but they are totally different. I think it's because they don't know the term 'manga'.

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8:52 pm, Dec 5 2009
Posts: 128

Actually I remember a lot of people making that mistake (even fans) way back when anime & manga weren't that big overseas. Like around 15+ years ago. Anyone else remember this?

Anyway, names like Manga Entertainment didn't help the situation either...

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4:23 am, Dec 6 2009
Posts: 574


I've never heard anything like this. Even if people did say they read anime or watched manga (whatever) I'd probably just stare at them none, and it wouldn't really bother me... My brain would be too busy adfghjkl'ing to really have an none

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4:55 am, Dec 6 2009
Posts: 151

It's really an uncommon mistake. I think in the past, people may only watch TV or only read book, that's mistake can happen.
Now, computer and internet mixed everything, people who know the term anime probably know manga.

Last edited by jackblack901 at 5:03 am, Dec 6 2009

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Post #340048

9:05 am, Dec 6 2009
Posts: 210

i remembered this one time in a video store, while browsing the cartoons section (anime wasn't that big yet, and yes, i voted "anime's are cartoons") for anime, a coupla kids were talking to each other a bit about anime. then one of them commented how there was this type of anime called "manga" that showed tits and sex. i knew they were referring to Manga Entertainment and the adult contents of some of their anime back then, but goddamnit, deep inside i nerd rage'd (i was new to anime and manga, was in the "glorious nippon!" phase, felt superior to other type of nerds, which explains a bit of my intolerance to the kid's statement).

maybe i'm a grammar nazi, but one particular thing i don't like nowadays however is how people sometimes mistaken "chapters", sometimes "volumes", with "episodes". i wouldn't mind if the author classified them as that, and i know in some cases these came from people who's native tongue ain't english, but please, do know the difference.

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12:13 pm, Dec 6 2009
Posts: 35

It happens all the time, like "What's that anime you're reading?"

you WATCH anime and READ manga, it's like the difference between Comics and Cartoons!

Though I've even gotten "What's the anime your watching" when I was clearly reading a book, so it might just be an IQ thing...


8:29 pm, Dec 6 2009
Posts: 3

No, but I call them comics. wink

Post #340624
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5:35 pm, Dec 8 2009
Posts: 150

Yea this really does bother me for some reason, not sure exactly why it does. My best friend used to think that manga was just the Japanese word for anime, i made a point to explain the difference to him. Anyway whenever i hear someone mix them up i just think to myself why talk about it if you have no idea what it really is.

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Post #340626
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5:48 pm, Dec 8 2009
Posts: 746

I actually thought this didn't happen, but by some work of chance, it happened to me today. In art a friend said that she gave a barnes and noble giftcard to someone who liked to 'read anime.' I had to bite my tongue to stop the instinctual reply xD It does bother me slightly, but anything that is stated wrong bothers me.

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Post #340645
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7:26 pm, Dec 8 2009
Posts: 6

I've never heard anyone refer to manga as anime, but I've seen anime DVDs being called manga DVDs in a magazine ad and it pissed me off.

Post #340720
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5:34 am, Dec 9 2009
Posts: 17

But manga IS anime.
Either way I don't give a darn :\

Post #340723 - Reply to (#340071) by Tenshinchigi
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5:47 am, Dec 9 2009
Posts: 10

Quote from Tenshinchigi
It happens all the time, like "What's that anime you're reading?"

you WATCH anime and READ manga, it's like the difference between Comics and Cartoons!

Though I've even gotten "What's the anime your watching" when I was clearly reading a book, so it might just be an IQ thing...

That happens to me a lot too. Depending on who says and the situation, I either correct them or ignore it. Most people that mix them up usually don't know or haven't heard about manga so they just assume that 'anime' covers everything.

Post #340836 - Reply to (#340048) by Diokhan
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4:22 pm, Dec 9 2009
Posts: 437

Quote from Diokhan
maybe i'm a grammar nazi, but one particular thing i don't like nowadays however is how people sometimes mistaken "chapters", sometimes "volumes", with "episodes". i wouldn't mind if the author classified them as that, and i know in some cases these came from people who's native tongue ain't english, but please, do know the difference.

Yeah... but, sometimes it seems like mangaka just love to name "chapters" something else... calling them "tracks," "episodes," "recipes," etc., so don't worry about it too much.

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8:38 am, Dec 10 2009
Posts: 210

Eh, doesn't bother me at all. If some one isn't into my hobby I'm ont going to be all OH MY GOD HOW DARE YOU NOT BE WELL INFORMED ABOUT MY INTERESTS IN JAPANESE COMICS!?!! Because really, who cares? There are thousands of different hobbies and you can't expect people who aren't into manga to know the terms for it. Then there are a lot of series that are both in both manga and anime, and hell, live action or novel forms, so meh.

It's kind of like I still don't get why people get pissy over anime being called cartoons either. Because they are cartoons. Just because they come from Japan doesn't magically make them not animated comics. If my favourite movie was made in Finland, I wouldn't get all enraged if some one called it a movie and tell them "NO IT'S AN ELOKUVASSA BECAUSE THAT IS THE FINNISH WORD FOR FILM!" It's the same thing, right? I just... I don't get the rage.

I'd like to point out that when I first got into anime/manga years ago, it was fairly common to have ANIME get called MANGA, so the reverse of this. Most of the confusion was due to Central Park Media's anime division US Manga Corps. Which put out a lot of anime and the name was associated with the anime.

Last edited by Sleepy_Sheepy at 6:07 pm, Dec 10 2009

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Post #341308
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6:39 am, Dec 11 2009
Posts: 5

well i go across this quite a while i mean one time my friend called Anime A-NIM i mean whatt!!!

but i also get annoyed when the call manga comics, i like to differentiate what i read i call it manga, manhwa, manhua if thats what im reading comics only if it an OEL.

after all i already get annoyed when people confuse manhwa and manhua, and manga and manhwa. basically i hate it when people confuse the terms

i mean cmon.. wont they get pissed of if i call rock, pop? although i wont

Last edited by Di27 at 6:54 am, Dec 11 2009

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