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Pure-Hearted Shounen Protagonist

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Post #407401
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6:43 pm, Sep 16 2010
Posts: 1354

Or a seinen protagonist, really. I'm looking for a male shounen/seinen protagonist who is pure-hearted when it comes to sexual/romantic matters, like, he blushes fiercely when any topic of this kind comes up, or gets all chivalrous and angry if someone talks crassly or disrespectfully of women, or doesn't know how to handle a girl's advances/confessions, or never behaves inappropriately, or never harbors inappropriate thoughts, or maybe doesn't even understand what sexual desire is about and thus has never felt it, etc.

Basically, the kind of 'pure-heartedness' one usually sees in young shoujo heroines... But in a shounen hero, instead. bigrazz

Too many shounen protagonists are ecchi-minded or perverted or, even if decent in their outward behavior, still can't suppress their naughty thoughts. I want a shounen protagonist that's too innocent (or maybe even enlightened? Like a saint, lol) for any of that.

Either sex and romance don't even exist in this protagonist's world, he's that innocent; or he knows that they exist, but doesn't give a damn about them; or he's too inexperienced to really understand/appreciate them; or he does care, but only in the most pure-hearted, our-innermost-hearts-must-be-joined-as-one-before-we-even-hold- hands sort of way.

Yeah, I'm looking at you, Saint Young Men. Or the Elric brothers from Fullmetal Alchemist - seriously, guys, don't you ever think about...? Never mind. biggrin

By the way, the manga doesn't count if the protagonist is a child; you'd expect a child to be innocent, normally. This has to be a teenage protagonist or older - old enough that he's supposed to be comfortable with sex (or at least be theoretically interested in it), but obviously hasn't caught up with his peers in their romantic/sexual savvy, or has shot right past them into asexual enlightenment. Lol.

Last edited by tartufo at 6:48 pm, Sep 16 2010

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A Person

6:57 pm, Sep 16 2010
Posts: 2126

Major fits this 100%.
Capeta is like that too.

Ares The main character is in the "blushes whenever it comes up" category

Historie - See Major/Capeta

Piano no Mori - They blush! smile It's so cute.

The Breaker - He blushes a couple times, but otherwise, it doesn't really come up.

Note; All of these but Ares/Historie/The Breaker follow the character from childhood to adult hood, so if they're a child when you stat reading, don't be surprised.

Last edited by Dragonfiremule at 7:04 pm, Sep 16 2010

Does the walker choose the path, or the path the walker?

9:11 pm, Sep 16 2010
Posts: 545

Superior - not sure about the main male character (although he's pure-hearted in every other way), but the other main male character is very much like that.

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Lone Wanderer

2:56 am, Sep 17 2010
Posts: 2127

Mushishi - But I've recommended this to you so many times that you're sure to have read it by now biggrin

Black Cat - One of the protagonists, Train, lives in the same house as a gorgeous female friend of his; but the thought never even crosses his mind that he should try to be romantically involved with her. The other main character, Sven, is much more comfortable around women - but he still isn't perverted in any way and never has any noticeable fiance to speak of.

The Law of Ueki and The Law of Ueki Plus - Once more, most of the guys, including the protagonist, are very chivalrous towards women.

Trigun - Though I'm pretty sure he had a girlfriend (but she's dead now?), he is by no means perverted.

Gun x Sword - Watch the anime. You'll see what I mean ^^

Kagerou Nostalgia , Torikago Gakkyuu - Might still be too early to say for sure, though. And the protagonists may be too young (15 year-olds?)

Shoukoku no Altair

Noblesse - One of my recent obsessions. But I wonder if this really counts - since neither of the lead males are even human beings. And it's a web comic...

Ou Dorobou Jing and its sequel
Buraiden Gai
Liar Game - Akiyama is too clever to be bothered by such things.
Peace Maker
Livingstone , Souldrop no Yuutai Kenkyuu - Maybe?
One Outs - He only cares about the thrill of gambling.

Ookiku Furikabutte , Ace of the Diamond - Too obsessed with baseball to care. But that might change later on as they grow older...

Yumekui Kenbun - Once again, not sure it fits because of the non-human protagonist.

Saikyou Densetsu Kurosawa , Akagi , Kaiji - I haven't read them yet, though.

Hikaru no Go - But everyone knows about this, don't they?

Switch - Kai fits almost too well; but the other MC, Hal, doesn't, so I'm not sure...

Shiki - I'm not certain (since I can't really tell who the main character is). Anyway, no perverted guys in this one!

I have so many recs! I wonder if I misunderstood your request or something? (I hope not...but if I did, sorry ^^)

Last edited by calstine at 3:31 am, Sep 17 2010

Post #407482
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3:38 am, Sep 17 2010
Posts: 1354

@calstine, seriously... O_O Wow! Thank you SO much! That's, like, the best kind of recommending, where people actually take the time to explain their recs - thanks to you, I have much more reading material! <3

Thanks also to Aikanaro and Dragonfiremule!

Lol, Train from Black Cat sounds like he might be gay... I mean - even I would think of being romantically involved with a beautiful woman I was cohabiting with, and I'm a woman. (Okay, so that was maybe a poor comparison, but still...)

Post #407489

4:23 am, Sep 17 2010
Posts: 120

You might want to try Immortal Rain
It's both a shounen and has a shoujo appeal. Trust me when I say the main guy (Rain) is

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