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Post #362855 - Reply to (#362831) by Toto

1:45 pm, Mar 10 2010
Posts: 153

Quote from Toto
There are a few classes that we need to take: English, science, math, economics/government, history, health, and art or a foreign language.

Wait, what? You can select either art or foreign language? How can they even compare to each other in importance? Health..O_o

Post #362893
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3:21 pm, Mar 10 2010
Posts: 2275

Well, how my school had it (so basically for all California HS) was that 2 years of art or foreign language (the same language) were required. I believe the school system has it this way so that students on paper appear cultured whatever the kids choose.

Health is a mandated class to deliver the required information such as sex ed. Also, Health is only 1 semester long at my school, and it was partnered with... Freshman Focus... I think. Freshman Focus is some lame ass class that had absolutely no purpose what-so-ever; however, it was a required class probably because the educational system did not want to make health a two semester course.

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3:25 pm, Mar 10 2010
Posts: 9026

This isn't supposed to be a convo. PM for further questions/elaboration.

source: animenewsnetwork

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Crazy Cat Lady

3:26 pm, Mar 10 2010
Posts: 1850

In the US, a lot of what is required for HS is decided by each state, so there are different requirements depending on where you live. Within those requirements there may be some flexibility - for example when I was in HS, everyone had to take biology in their second year, but there were 6-8 different 1-semester biology classes to choose from so we all picked two. Electives vary a lot depending on the individual school, its resources, etc. but there's usually some kind of music (usually at least band & choir) and foreign language (sometimes only one or two) and art; often there will be other classes like home economics, health, wood and/or metal shop, PE, and so on.

Within the rules set up by the state and by the local school districts, yes, students get to choose what classes they take. smile

"[English] not only borrows words from other languages; it has on occasion chased other languages down dark alley-ways, clubbed them unconscious and rifled their pockets for new vocabulary."
-James Nicoll, can.general, March 21, 1992
Post #363112
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2:09 pm, Mar 11 2010
Posts: 761

I've got a question about categories.
I want to add a manga to a category (or a category to a manga, depends on a point of view). I click this 'Want to add a series? Click here!' and I'm redirected to a page that looks like a form to add a completely new series, with detailed information.

What if the manga I want to add already exists in the database? Should I just write its name and ignore other information? And the tag will be attached to it?

It may be a stupid question, but I'm really confused. Someone has probably explained it somewhere, but I searched the forums and couldn't find anything. I did my best to explain my problem, I hope it's not too difficult to understand smile

Post #363118
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2:41 pm, Mar 11 2010
Posts: 3503

It's easier to just go to a serie you want to tag with certain category, then go to the category part and click "Edit". There you can type the one that fits (it shows if exists already or not) and then click "Add" and when you are done "Update series"

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Post #363462
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4:03 am, Mar 13 2010
Posts: 761

Thanks smile I think I get it now.


9:42 am, Mar 16 2010
Posts: 11

[Within the rules set up by the state and by the local school districts, yes, students get to choose what classes they take. quote]

True True ....

?Has anyone Gone to private school.?

In my HS "Dowling Catholic High" It has classes that you can only take there... if you transfer out ... public schools don't consider classes so you don't have that credit.. so they put u in a lower "class"

Post #364507 - Reply to (#364135) by Leticia Ramirez
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11:30 pm, Mar 17 2010
Posts: 327

Quote from Leticia Ramirez
public schools don't consider classes so you don't have that credit.. so they put u in a lower "class"

I haven't been to private school but there are many options to bump your class difficultly up in my school district (which only have one HS because it's tiny). There's a program in my HS where you can "challenge" a class by writing its final exam, it's a pass/fail thing for credits that can allow you to go to the next level/grade of classes. Also, many exceptions are made on teacher recommendations, so if you consider transfering to a public HS, you should talk to the teachers teaching the higher level classes.

I've got a question concerning this site: Who decided that mangaka's family names were to be capitalized and why are they?

Post #364574 - Reply to (#364507) by azureblueinfinite
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7:20 am, Mar 18 2010
Posts: 9026

Quote from azureblueinfinite
I've got a question concerning this site: Who decided that mangaka's family names were to be capitalized and why are they?

Probably the head honchos, Manick & Lambs? laugh

As to why, well, it makes for less ambiguous interpretations. I mean, most of us are not Japanese, so it would be easier for us to know which one is the first/last name. At least, that's what I think it's about.

source: animenewsnetwork

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11:56 pm, Mar 18 2010
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Exactly. People always get confused which comes first when reading a name, so we just capitalize the family name to make it easy. (But some people who add authors screw things up because they do it wrong...)

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Post #364931 - Reply to (#364740) by lambchopsil
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9:47 pm, Mar 19 2010
Posts: 327

Quote from lambchopsil
(But some people who add authors screw things up because they do it wrong...)

Lol, thanks for responding Dr. Love n lambchopsil...though if some people get confused, wouldn't it just be easier to put family name first w/o the capitalization?

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10:00 pm, Mar 19 2010
Posts: 79

I'm making white chocolate cake, what kind of filling should I use? I was thinking rasberry, but they're so expensive this time of year....

Post #364936 - Reply to (#364933) by Tsubaki21
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10:28 pm, Mar 19 2010
Posts: 327

Quote from Tsubaki21
I'm making white chocolate cake, what kind of filling should I use? I was thinking rasberry, but they're so expensive this time of year....

I vote for citron/lemon jam or pudding. Or green tea mousse...though that might be more expensive...

Post #364940 - Reply to (#364936) by azureblueinfinite
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10:46 pm, Mar 19 2010
Posts: 79

Quote from azureblueinfinite
Quote from Tsubaki21
I'm making white chocolate cake, what kind of filling should I use? I was thinking rasberry, but they're so expensive this time of year....

I vote for citron/lemon jam or pudding. Or green tea mousse...though that might be more expensive...

green tea mousse! What a good idea! I already have all the ingredients to make it too! I might lemon jam, but I really hate making it, it's so boring. I guess I could buy it, but it's always better homemade..... Thanks for the suggestions!

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