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Death Toll Scans needs translators and editors!

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6:00 am, Jun 11 2018
Posts: 54

Bump! Our staff needs remain unchanged relative to the post of May 22, 2018.


8:32 pm, Jun 18 2018
Posts: 54

Bump! Our staff needs remain unchanged relative to the post of May 22, 2018.


10:20 pm, Jul 4 2018
Posts: 54


Now we need a typesetter and a cleaner for Funouhan. The translations are piling up as we speak.

Typesetting test:

Cleaning test:

Experienced editors can bypass the test by showing us PSDs that showcase their past work. These should have the original layer for us to compare. And we reserve the right not to be impressed and ask for more samples or demand that the applicant takes a test.

Editor's applications may be submitted to me by PM here, at our site ( ; to Wraith) at our Discord ( ; to Wraith) or IRC ( ; to Momimomi); or as a thread in the Join Us section in our site. You may also post them as a response to this thread, whatever floats your boat. Bundle the PSDs in a compressed folder, upload it to a cloud and send the link. Please indicate which series you'd like to work on from the open positions above.


2:38 pm, Jul 15 2018
Posts: 54

Bump! Our staff needs remain as of the post before this one.


6:55 pm, Aug 27 2018
Posts: 54

Bump! Things have changed quite a lot in our recruitment needs in the past month, but for now, let me concentrate on projects we'd like to revive or begin, and make this post an invitation to translators.

If you are a translator and interested in joining us to do any of the series listed below, we'd like you to remain aware that as of now we don't have edition staff to make any of them into full-fledged projects. We need you to help us make a bait chapter to fish for edition staff. Translators are the soul of scanlation teams, and that's why we aren't recruiting, but inviting you to join us and search for the staff to work on series both you and Death Toll want to do. We'll use the current staff to make just one chapter, then cross our fingers and release it to see if we can catch some editors. When we get them, we'll be able to turn the bait into a project.

The list that follows was generated based on suggestions by our editors. A condition to suggesting something is to be able to help in scanlating it in case a translator shows up, so we have at least one of the positions filled for all of them.

And if you agree to work on any of these, but have another series you'd like to make (a couple genre restrictions apply), we'll do our best to get you a team, too.

- King of Ants (seinen, action, drama)
- Diamond Cut Diamond (shounen, supernatural)
- Demon Assassins (shounen, supernatural, action)
- ReMember (seinen, action, historical)
- Broken Blade (seinen, mecha)
- Sakura Device (shounen, comedy, harem)
- Psycho Bank (adventure, sci-fi, seinen)
- Hshs Sasero!! (seinen, supernatural)
- Seifuku Aventure (seinen, comedy, romance)
- Soft Metal Vampire (seinen, action, comedy, mature, sci-fi)
- Demon 72 (seinen, action, supernatural)
- Chrome Breaker (shounen, action, supernatural)
- Yondemasu yo, azazel-san (seinen, action, mystery, supernatural)
- Yamikin Ushijima-kun (seinen, mature, psychological)
- Beast of East - Touhou Memairoku (seinen, vintage, drama, fantasy, historical)
- Akuma no Hanayome (shoujo, vintage, horror, fantasy, romance)
- Ryuuma no Gagou (seinen, action, fantasy, sci-fi)
- Zangekikan (shoujo, vintage, horror, mature)
- Kuusou Kagaku Edison (seinen, vintage, mecha, drama)
- Trash. (seinen, adult, sci-fi; yuri side events are acceptable - we don’t do stories centered on BL, GL or hentai)
- Waltz (seinen, action, tragedy)
- Zodiac Game (shounen, action, mystery, supernatural)
- Soukai no Eve (seinen, adventure, supernatural)
- Cry eye (seinen, action, horror, comedy)
- 地上100 階〈脱出確萃〉(no idea; Kabuto wanna do it)
- X-Gene (seinen, action, sci-fi)
- Tensozoro (seinen, adult, drama, historical)
- Kore Kutte Meshi! (seinen, slice of life)
- Togari Shiro (seinen, action, tragedy, supernatural)

All the names of series can be found in Mangaupdates.

Here's our translation test:

If you are experienced, you can bypass the test by showing us a sample of previous work. But please do include a link for the raws so we can compare. And we reserve the right to request that you take a test anyway if the sample isn't convincing.

You must submit your test as a private message to me here, or to Wraith via Discord ( or our website at . You may also submit it to Momimomi, our Head Translator, as a direct message in our IRC channel at

There's a more detailed recruitment channel with other open positions available in our recruitment thread at Mangadex:


4:40 pm, Nov 3 2018
Posts: 54

Open positions (ways to bypass a test below this section)

(Note about the recruitment for Rain: We're caught up with volume raws, and the next volume is only out in December. We're trying to recruit in advance so that we won't have to scramble around when the time comes. If you apply early and pass, we'll keep you busy with occasional odd jobs, or you can just wait it out. At least, we think it's better than not recruiting at all.)


Rain (shounen, action, fantasy)

Typesetting test:


Suicide Island (seinen, drama, smut)

Issak (seinen, action, historical)

Cleaning test:

How to apply or bypass tests

i. Editor's applications may be submitted to me by PM here, at our site ( ; to Wraith) at our Discord ( ; to Wraith) or IRC ( ; to Momimomi); or as a thread in the Join Us section in our site. You may also post them applications as a response to this thread, whatever floats your boat. Bundle the PSDs in a compressed folder, upload it to a cloud and send me the link. Please indicate which series you'd like to work on from the open positions above.

ii. Translator applications (see list of projects below) MUST be submitted as PM as in (i), don't post them as a thread in the Join Us section or as a reply to this thread.

iii. Successful applicants will only be required to work on the one series of their choice, unless they want to do more.

iv. Experienced editors or translators can bypass the test by showing us PSDs or translations that showcase their past work. These should have the original layer or Japanese raws for us to compare. And we reserve the right not to be impressed and ask for more samples or demand that the applicant take a test.

Invitation to translators

if you are a translator and interested in joining us to do any of the series listed below, we'd like you to remain aware that as of now we don't have edition staff to make any of them into full-fledged projects. We need you to make the bait. Translators are the soul of scanlation teams, and that's why we aren't recruiting, but inviting you to join us and search for the staff to work on series both you and Death Toll want to do. We'll use the current staff to make just one chapter, then cross our fingers and release it to see if we can catch some editors. When we get them, we'll be able to turn the bait into a project.

The list that follows was generated based on suggestions by our editors. A condition to suggesting something is to be able to help in scanlating it in case a translator shows up, so we have at least one of the positions filled for all of them.

And if you agree to work on any of these, but have another series you'd like to make (a couple genre restrictions apply), we'll do our best to get you a team, too.

- King of Ants (seinen, action, drama)
- Diamond Cut Diamond (shounen, supernatural)
- Demon Assassins (shounen, supernatural, action)
- ReMember (seinen, action, historical)
- Broken Blade (seinen, mecha)
- Sakura Device (shounen, comedy, harem)
- Psycho Bank (adventure, sci-fi, seinen)
- Nana Toshi Monogatari (seinen, sci-fi, psychological)
- Seifuku Aventure (seinen, comedy, romance)
- Soft Metal Vampire (seinen, action, comedy, mature, sci-fi)
- Demon 72 (seinen, action, supernatural)
- Chrome Breaker (shounen, action, supernatural)
- Yondemasu yo, azazel-san (seinen, action, mystery, supernatural)
- Sugarless (shounen, action, comedy)
- Beast of East - Touhou Memairoku (seinen, vintage, drama, fantasy, historical)
- Akuma no Hanayome (shoujo, vintage, horror, fantasy, romance)
- Ryuuma no Gagou (seinen, action, fantasy, sci-fi)
- Zangekikan (shoujo, vintage, horror, mature)
- Shounen Kaitouru Bureddo (seinen, action, steampunk)
- Trash. (seinen, adult, sci-fi; we don’t do stories centered on BL or GL, but it’s okay if it’s tangential to the plot)
- Eisen Flugel (seinen, drama, fantasy)
- Zodiac Game (shounen, action, mystery, supernatural)
- Soukai no Eve (seinen, adventure, supernatural)
- Kore Kutte Meshi! (seinen, slice of life)
- 地上100 階〈脱出確萃〉(no idea; Kabuto wants to do it)
- X-Gene (seinen, action, sci-fi)
- Tensozoro (seinen, adult, drama, historical)
- Togari Shiro (seinen, action, tragedy, supernatural)

All the names of series can be found in Mangaupdates.

The translation test is at: (for submission, read number ii above)

Post #766192
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11:45 pm, Dec 26 2018
Posts: 167

Still inviting translators, see above post

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Post #766454
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8:49 am, Jan 6 2019
Posts: 167

Again, inviting translators. See above post

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