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New Manga Series for the Year 2012

All new manga series reported for this year can be found here. You can sort them by the date they were reported to us, the rating, or based on how active the series was over the past month.

Date Added | Rating | Past 3 Months Activity

All | Artbook | Doujinshi | Drama CD | Filipino | Indonesian | Manga | Manhwa | Manhua | Novel | OEL | Thai | Vietnamese | Malaysian | Nordic | French | Spanish

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015


Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Shounen

From Pixel Translations:

SLASH (SOUL LINKED AEGIS SUPPORTING HEGEMONY), is a mysterious power that prevents a person from being harmed or killed, an enhancement for combat and is used to enforce authority among the weak. It can determine one’s social superiority to one who possesses it. Not all may have it. Alizeti ekilore, a rich innocent girl from Trifang mansion, suddenly discovered she has it since she survived a strong explosion that killed all her family. Now that she had survived and obtained such power, Alizeti decided to pursue the murderer of her family using her SLASH. Clash, a veteran slasher(SLASH user), will help Alizeti use and strengthen her SLASH in order to find the culprits. Will they succeed in getting justice for Alizeti’s family if the killers are the government‘s strongest Slashers? Will Alizeti and Clash be able to fully understand and utilize their SLASH to counteract their pursuers? In a society where SLASH enhancement and slashers are made, Alizeti and Clash will experience the inevitable.

Rating: 6.43 (2 votes)

Activity: Stats Pos #2346 increased(+1166)

Underground Bakbakan

Genre: Action, Comedy, Martial Arts, Shounen

From Pixel Translations:

UB (Underground Brawl) is an ultimate fighting tournament that doesn't follow the standard rules of the official sport, UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship). Consequently, this tournament is hidden from the public and has become a playground for the upper class. But one man is destined to end the cruel government's uprise. That man is Jack Knife.

The story will mostly focus on Jack's fighting encounters in the UB tournament and how he will recover his forgotten past.

Rating: 6.25 (1 votes)

Activity: Stats Pos #2347 increased(+1165)

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