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(219 posts, 31867 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in Adult (18+)
Quote from Mamsmilk
Running out of arguments?

Ah, well, bound to happen if you don't have
an own brain, but a parchment scroll inside the skull.
The legend of the man. How to live your life and die
according to the rulebook.

Unlike you, my ideals and views change,
since I do hav...
(219 posts, 31867 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in Adult (18+)
Quote from Mamsmilk
You do see what the topic title is?

That is what I don't give a fuck about.
Having your head up your ass and making
the world a worse place to live for others is
what I care about.

You do see what the OP said?

'How do you feel about people who a...
(219 posts, 31867 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in Adult (18+)
Boy, I am not the one who said that I 'don't give a flying fuck,' yet have been posting in this same thread for over two years. What's the matter? Have you run out of gay inspiartion to type lame, semi-poems? I think it is time for you to finally begone, imbecile. I am as...
Do you hate Shounen?
(164 posts, 27546 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in Shounen/Seinen
I like how shounen is so varied that it can attract girls as well.

Quote from corx_d_afikolami
The only shounen I hate is if it has the word 'ai' after it. No offense.

lmao, me, too!
(219 posts, 31867 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in Adult (18+)
Hahaha! Emo! I knew something was up with that guy; good one.

Quote from Mamsmilk
You however are rambling something incomprehensible
and I my friend, sure do hate meth heads.

Oh, the irony here.

Let's get to it:
Principle is a delusion.
It's not enlightening. It is not pra...
(219 posts, 31867 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in Adult (18+)
Quote from Mamsmilk
Principle, a naïve, ugly word.

Heh, only said by those who have None.
Do you hate Shounen?
(164 posts, 27546 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in Shounen/Seinen
You are right, a lot of shounen do tend to take a childish approach, and also, they are filled with annoying, inappropriate (as in for the scene) comedy. That is why I prefer the serious atmosphere provided in seinen, although many have bad artwork and are not translated ...
Borderline HENTAI Ecchiness with Great PLOT,FANTASY,SUPER POWERS and SEX!!!
(6 posts, 7180 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in Adult (18+)
Is tit-sucking good enough? If so, read Seikon no Qwaser.
(219 posts, 31867 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in Adult (18+)
Quote from Hekat
Okay well I'm a lesbian,

Even later on when you start to go out and go to parties, a lot of people look strange at you if you kiss a girl. Not to mention then you also got a lot of guys who suddenly become overinterested in you and start to ask if you're no...
A question to the female readers
(11 posts, 1791 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in Yaoi/Yuri
Yeah, we guys just can't get it.
New Poll - Amount of Ecchi
(79 posts, 16757 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in News
>Males are all perverts,
>minus the BL community which consists 60% of rapists and others who have nothing but sex in their mind when they hear the word love.

Does. Not. Follow.

Quote from Ibleda
As a girl, as you'd expect I avoid ecchi. There's really nothing to it other t...
An Image with Bondage
(14 posts, 7481 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in Adult (18+)
You sure reply a lot for someone who doesn't care.

It is pretty ironic that your gender is set as a hermaphrodite, come to think of it.

I wasn't being disrespectful. I understand what you are saying, but it just sounds like you have an 'I-am-right' complex, which is rather ...
New Poll - Amount of Ecchi
(79 posts, 16757 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in News
Yeah, I don't see the problem with some eye-candy. laugh More power to them.

You know, in the past, ecchi was very difficult to show, because most people were too conservative. However, thanks to the revolution started by Go Nagai, a mangaka, now it is more commonplace. Thi...
An Image with Bondage
(14 posts, 7481 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in Adult (18+)
I really have no interest in discussing the etymology of some scientific word . . . I just know the definition.

As for the thread moving, the only way you would have been right, my friend, is if it closed before I got my answer, which didn't happen. I am actually surprised...
The unusual and unique
(13 posts, 2601 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in I'm Looking For...
I highly recommend Mon Seul for the top Psychological title out there, and IO for a great Mystery adventure in the Ocean.

There is also the one-shot Half & Half (SEO Kouji). Also, Nagasarete Airantou is a pretty unique (and true) harem not set in a school, but on an island...
New Poll - Amount of Ecchi
(79 posts, 16757 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in News
When it comes to 'ecchi,' the risque level of content in titles can differ greatly; it may go from sexual jokes, to a few panty-shots, to extensive fan-service, to nudity, all the way to full-on intercourse. Compare: Doujin Work, Love Hina, KissxSis, Yomeiro-Choice, & Aki...
An Image with Bondage
(14 posts, 7481 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in Adult (18+)
Nobody said that hermaphrodites reproduce as both genders, but like the dictionary states, they have both male and female sexual organs, among other things.

I seriously doubt that some vague post with an external link to a non-sexual drawn image is going to close down any ...
An Image with Bondage
(14 posts, 7481 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in Adult (18+)
Either you are correct that hermaphrodites do not exist in real life, meaning that 80,000 people in Germany are liars, or they do; tough choice.

As for IE, yeah, a lot of people apparently hate it, but, hey, old habits die hard.

Well, there was nothing technically sexual in...
An Image with Bondage
(14 posts, 7481 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in Adult (18+)
Where you come from as in 4chan? And it is not just the 'half-sentence;' the whole post seemed patronizing.

Well, too bad I use Internet Explorer then.

Also, there are a number of futanari titles that are not necessarily for adults (i.e., hentai). Hermaphrodites do exist in r...
Any Gender benders?
(15 posts, 3997 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in I'm Looking For...
Man, I hate this genre:

- Aki-Sora
- No Bra
- My First Time (a classic)
dieing sick lover
(10 posts, 986 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in I'm Looking For...
The Skies of the Rising Half-Moon: I also suggest the anime version.

There are also the one-shot Half & Half (SEO Kouji), and the OAV Sandglass of Summer Colors.
An Image with Bondage
(14 posts, 7481 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in Adult (18+)
Thanks anyway, silenccomes, but now it doesn't seem futanari (yay!).

As for BlackOrion, I appreciate the help, just don't be a dick about it. Whether the picture was from a hentai wasn't obvious, and the manga I confused it with was actually ecchi, so get your facts straig...
An Image with Bondage
(14 posts, 7481 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in Adult (18+)
I wonder where this scene is from; it reminds me of a certain futanari manga, but I am not sure (hopefully it isn't it). I remember it relating to something called 'rxn.'
New group: Ryuusei no Mafia is Recruiting!!
(18 posts, 2707 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in Recruitment
Cool projects. You can count me in for Proofreading.
Ask the opposite gender
(2562 posts, 306884 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in Adult (18+)
Quote from hypamusik
um...would you guys really want to drop all contact with an ex?? i mean, i can totally understand why, but...hmm idk. it doesn't seem harsh but at the same time it does. does that make sense?? oh dear, i just confused myself. @_@

Yes, I would not want t...

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