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Series with sad scenes where people "disappear" (please read more detailed description)
(13 posts, 1402 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in I'm Looking For...
There are scenes like that in NARUTO.

Also, there is the anime ef - a tale of melodies. and the OAV Sandglass of Summer Colors, where a guy has to go back in time to save his girlfriend from dying with the help of a girl from the future.
A manga with a beautiful ending
(18 posts, 2761 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in I'm Looking For...
I have to recommend the two longest manga I have finished and which do not have a rushed ending, Ichigo 100% & Love Hina. You will get to love the characters in them.

I also liked the one-shot Half & Half (SEO Kouji).
who can possibly hate this manga?
(37 posts, 10428 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in Angel Densetsu
The cover doesn't encourage me to read it, and people seem to say the artwork in the first volumes is pretty bad. Also, the story is really long. Nothing really screams 'Read me!' Plus, it is about some ugly guy. Oh, well, better than having a hideous chick; I just might ...
Manga with misunderstandings
(7 posts, 2650 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in I'm Looking For...
I know how you feel; it can get annoying when every guess they make is right.

Crime manga:

- Dispatch!!
- Blood Rain
- Detective Conan
(1 posts, 862 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in Naruto
Orochimaru is always on about kids, even when threatening . . .

Look forward to Sasori appearing in the next chapter.
Action is getting old...
(30 posts, 7431 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in Shounen/Seinen
Quote from heehee11
I've got one for you!!! I just finished re-reading it so I'm still hot for it, it's beck
Ok it is shounen (more than enough panty shots, though I might be a bad juge since I'm a girl and it's not what I'm looking for in manga smile wink grin ) but it's also a mus...
Specific Protagonist
(5 posts, 770 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in I'm Looking For...
The closest I can think of for number 1 are:

- Rappi Rangai
- Ubel Blatt
- VITA Sexualis
- Yomeiro-Choice (he is lazy and always avoids the difficult task of choosing a wife to breed with)
- Girls Bravo

As for 2:

- A Girls
- Mon Seul
- My First Time
- Love Hina
- Half & Half (SEO Ko...
guy with sad past romance
(10 posts, 10481 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in I'm Looking For...
Quote from Astral100

I had the same thought (with different spelling). Also, Seikon no Qwaser and Black Cat.
The character you just love to hate...
(3 posts, 891 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in I'm Looking For...
I suggest the B Gata H Kei anime. It has a female point of view, although it is a little ecchi. The girl wants to jump a virgin to overcome her shyness, so she tries to use a timid guy ('Cherry-kun'). You may want to hate her for acting like a bitch sometimes, but Yamada ...
Prison/Jail Manga
(6 posts, 1739 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in I'm Looking For...
There is a famous American TV show called Prison Break which takes place in, well, prisons. I suggest you check it out for reference.
Protagonist just don't give a fu*k
(5 posts, 1231 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in I'm Looking For...
You are talking about Seikon no Qwaser's Sasha.
New Poll - Author vs. Artist
(36 posts, 7534 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in News
Good artwork can make a manga great, but well-written stories may make it epic.
Something that made you smile today.
(2798 posts, 352774 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in Chatter Box
A video of a pretty girl in a white bikini walking in the water near a shore while being followed by some guy who is obviously interested in her (and I can't blame him). She then takes off her bikini bottom and throws it at him. He grabs it and removes his own swimming tr...
A kickass pervert
(30 posts, 6068 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in I'm Looking For...
I meant Lolicon Phoenix. Have you read it as well?
New Poll - Author vs. Artist
(36 posts, 7534 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in News
I think most people will say they care about the author more, because s/he has the storytelling abilities, but I care about the presentation, too, so they are both equally important to me, I think.

btw, it should be either '[. . .]author or artist of a series is [. . .],' ...
romantic manga ?
(7 posts, 1309 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in I'm Looking For...
Based on your examples, and the fact that you are a girl, I will assume that you are looking for shoujo manga, so I will throw in Tsumi ni Nureta Futari, Moe Kare, Romantic Egoist, & Embraced in TABOO (along with other works by the famous mangaka, Shinjou Mayu). They are ...
What is a person?
(14 posts, 1706 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in Chatter Box
Quote from The Guy
Currently I am writing a paper for my bioethics class on abortion and euthanasia. One of the problems I came across was the importance and ambiguity of personhood within this discussion.
Here is what I have written for my paper.

To settle the moral is...
weather yup weather
(810 posts, 71481 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in Chatter Box
I hate the cold.
Tough romance manga request... AH!
(13 posts, 1957 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in I'm Looking For...
Have you tried Tsumi ni Nureta Futari?
Radically kind or radically cruel, your choice.
(104 posts, 11050 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in Chatter Box
Quote from RattixEmpire
Exactly my point, we still have to be careful of butterflies, they are incredibly dangerous animals and are not to be trusted. MI5 is concerned at this point that they may have created an alliance with the dragonflies. Wether or not moths are a part...
New Poll - The Extras in Volumes
(18 posts, 3406 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in News
Since I don't read a lot of shoujo/josei, I don't encounter one-shots. This single time I did, though, with Futari Ecchi, I was pretty confused as to whether it is the same story or not, and I didn't like its timing.

Omake, extra chapters, 4-koma, and author's notes (altho...
Antipiracy going overboard?
(44 posts, 6725 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in Chatter Box
Stick it to the Man!

User Posted Image
A kickass pervert
(30 posts, 6068 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in I'm Looking For...
I like Ayu Mayu, and Shinshi na Meets Girl's mangaka has a series about a masked hentai (Maeda Shinshi is also accused of being one by his imouto (little sister), much like Yousuke).
We should share this masterpiece
(9 posts, 3950 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in Historie
Quote from Wufu
I've updated the manga description and picture in hopes of attracting more readers biggrin

Actually, the cover image is one of the things keeping me from reading this manga.
Heroine overpowered/mysterious
(11 posts, 2420 views) Posted: over 12 years ago by Seijurou in I'm Looking For...
VITA Sexualis is the only thing that comes to mind.

PS: I didn't know that eyes can smile.

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