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Site Poll - Chat Box 74 - Endings that Suck
(48 posts, 7083 views) Posted: over 14 years ago by neowind in Chatter Box
Quote from lambchopsil
This thread version is better than the site poll because you can now give examples!

In my opinion, just because the ending sucks doesn't mean that the series itself isn't any good. Some endings sure are rushed though. Take Mx0 for example.

Question: If...
New Poll - Endings that Suck
(40 posts, 3832 views) Posted: over 14 years ago by neowind in News
Lambchopsil i agree with you! i like Ichigo 100% too. the ending was fine to me i like how he got with her and not the girl he was always chasing because at the end she was the better one. i mean come on they both waited for each others when she was in American

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