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Likable Character
(6 posts, 1286 views) Posted: over 9 years ago by himemai in Manga General
Totally agree for Akari Mizunashi from Aria.
This kind of people know how to make anything more bright and shine. biggrin

Good ending standards
(14 posts, 2232 views) Posted: over 9 years ago by himemai in Manga General
I like happy ending, but sad ending (you may say bittersweet) doesn't really bad for me as well.
Let see... my standards of you-may-say-happy-ending is... *cough cough* some member already said this too, but let me write for mine biggrin

1. The ending resolving everything in the ...
Best Shoujo Heroine(s)
(199 posts, 58211 views) Posted: over 9 years ago by himemai in Shoujo/Josei
Best shoujo heroine for me... emmm can I include josei? ' v ' //brickd

* Nobara from My Life because of her strong emotion and independent self. (* ^ *)

* Jinco from Jinco from Room 203 because of her calm personality and not calm-cool. She's a calm and caring. (U v U)

* Mac...
The rating of "1" and "10"
(59 posts, 9404 views) Posted: over 9 years ago by himemai in Manga General
I'm always rate the manga because I think maybe it'll help people to know the series if they're think rating is important... like me^^.

I never give any manga rating a "1". Because I'm always appreciate a manga not only in plot, but in art as well. So usually, even if I ha...
Your Favorite Manga of all time (or maybe top 5)
(639 posts, 175782 views) Posted: over 9 years ago by himemai in Manga General
Here is my favourite manga of all time~ ^ O ^)/ (not really in any order) //what//brickd

* The Bride's Stories
Beautiful story with a beautiful art. Personally, I really love the way Kaoru sensei draw the story. It's not just about the detail, it's something more greater ...
Art vs. Plot
(251 posts, 40310 views) Posted: over 9 years ago by himemai in Shoujo/Josei
Plot!!! \[ ^ O ^ ]/ Plot! Plot! Plot! //staph

I don't really care how the artwork since I'm an-all-art-eater. Be it rough or fragile, 90 style or below, I'll appreciate it because each mangaka have their own style. But plot!! It's something that definetly must-catching-and...
Time period of Shoujo
(11 posts, 3319 views) Posted: over 9 years ago by himemai in Shoujo/Josei
I don't really care about the art... but perhaps 2011+ is my fav. Since at this period, most of mangaka and publisher have a high standard of art and more variative art-style and plot. Talking about the plot, I don't judge by which period is better, this or that period. I...
Series you should have read sooner.
(29 posts, 3491 views) Posted: over 9 years ago by himemai in Manga General
My only answer up until now is...
Tableau Gate!! I'm already interested when this is published in my place. But since I haven't read it and I don't have any time to borrow it, little by little I forgot this title. Until one day I have time to borrow it because I don't know...
First Shoujo Manga
(453 posts, 66934 views) Posted: over 9 years ago by himemai in Shoujo/Josei
Kataoka Michiru sensei in her work entitled Little Cherry.
It's a very very very old manga, but I kind of remember it's my first time reading a shoujo manga. After that, I really remember as well that I read Sepia Gate, a works of Takase Ryou's sensei^^

Well... I started t...
Shoujo/Josei that you unexpectedly like?
(21 posts, 6055 views) Posted: over 9 years ago by himemai in Shoujo/Josei
I'm a bit shocked when I realize I like this series even though at the beginning I don't want to read it (usually because I don't really feel like I want to read it)
\[o ^ O ^ o]/

* Jinco from Room 203 - a recommendation from my friends. I usually avoid mysteries or horro...
Best art for Shounen/Seinen- Mangaka/Manga
(40 posts, 13427 views) Posted: over 9 years ago by himemai in Shounen/Seinen
*For shounen, my favourite art style is...
Kamijyo Akimine sensei in his work :: Samurai Deeper Kyo
Ayamine Rando sensei in his work :: Get Backers

*For seinen, my favourite art style is...
Mori Kaoru sensei in her work :: The Bride's Stories
Popular shojos you just don't like?
(554 posts, 110924 views) Posted: over 10 years ago by himemai in Shoujo/Josei
Popular shoujo I dislike.... let see... Vampire Knight is my first answer^^"
. I don't know why, maybe it just don't suit my taste, so I drop it asap when I found out the main lead is more and more irritating for me. I wonder why people like this manga very much.... Well,...
Recently Reread Manga
(28 posts, 7552 views) Posted: over 10 years ago by himemai in Shounen/Seinen
Yesterday and today, I reread...
Shanaou Yoshitsune ,
and Tamashii no Futago ///U v U///
What's Your Native Language?
(231 posts, 28785 views) Posted: over 10 years ago by himemai in Chatter Box
Native Language :: Bahasa (Indonesian)

Start to learn English when playing playstation and at the elementary school. ^^" Not good with tenses anyway. I'm better at translating than writing English. Now, google translate is very helpful for me when I'm searching some words ...
Your List Stats
(247 posts, 31266 views) Posted: over 10 years ago by himemai in Manga General
Up until now...

Reading List :: 17

Unfinished List :: 13
Complete List :: 224
Complete & Recommended :: 26

And most of all is :: Romance (241) Shoujo (230) Comedy (159)


IDK why shoujo is always on my list //brickd
But I like shonen and seinen ...

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