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You're So Cool   
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From Yen Press:

Everyone dreams about Seung-Ha, the perfect prince, the shining star of the school. Chasing after the perfect prince is definitely not easy. For Nan-Woo, Seung-Ha was just a dream far, far away. However, sometimes dreams exist to come true! But when Nan-Woo’s dream comes true, it comes at an expensive price. Who knew the perfect prince was actually a big jerk?!


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Anh chàng khó tính
Anh chàng lạnh lùng
Annyira király vagy! (Hungarian)
Neon Neomu Meosjyeo
You Are So Cool
넌 너무 멋져

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v.6 c.1-4 (end) by Waltz-alone over 17 years ago
v.5 c.4 by Waltz-alone over 17 years ago
v.5 c.3 by SoCool over 17 years ago
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6 Volumes (Complete)

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You're So Cool by Anonymous


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Average: 8.1 / 10.0 (618 votes)
Bayesian Average: 8.02 / 10.0

Last Updated
July 24th 2019, 1:00pm



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Yen Press (6 Vols - Complete)

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Extremely Funny  
by bibisuki
April 26th, 2012, 8:10pm
Rating: 8.0  / 10.0
It is really funny, the way Seung Ha announced his relationship with Nan Woo, the THE ENTIRE SCHOOL reacted at it, and so on XD

Even though I didn't like the art so much, I truly like the way Seung Ha was drawn. But Nan Woo was just extremely PLAIN, she didn't even got the basic traces of a girl, and her mother, at first I thought it was her older brother XD Nan Woo is the BEST tomboy ever! I've never seen a girl in a manga that you can't tell she IS a girl, UNTIL NOW!

And also this manhwa reminds me of a character from a manga called Kare Kano because Seung Ha and the manga's male character Soichiro Arima, BOTH:
- They got a deep past
- His mothers abandoned them
- They got to know a girl that open ups a whole new world for them, and shakes their hearts with sweet, light and happy feelings
- They create a mask, that the ENTIRE school loves and make them look perfect
- They have this enormous weak and insecurity about loving and being loved

... Last updated on September 17th, 2013, 11:52am
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by Renesmee37
August 4th, 2011, 2:30am
Rating: N/A
I loved this series! It was hilarious, it had it's romantic moments, and sometimes I felt like murdering the main characters they were so stupid.
But I really, really did love it. I think it was kind of unrealistic at moments, but on the whole ... it was fairly close to something I've actually seen one of my friends go through.
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The beginning put me off...  
by DorkFishOK
July 30th, 2011, 11:05pm
Rating: N/A
But as the story went on I actually started to like it. At first Seung Ha really annoyed me and I thought he was abusive and not likable at all :I But then as the story went on I liked how his horrid personality was explained by the situation with his mother. Abusive guys often become as such due to feelings of resentment towards themselves and
Spoiler (mouse over to view)
I liked how the author addressed the situation with him talking to the wounded child within him
I really think that gave his character some depth and humanity. I didn't think it was cliche at all and I think his sudden change in personality made perfect sense.
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good but ending fell flat  
by cherrykookie
April 2nd, 2011, 10:39pm
Rating: 7.5  / 10.0
I liked this manhwa. i liked the art and the characters, especially nan woo. However it started to fall (volume4-5ish?)when they went into the whole melodramatic storyline about seung-ha and his mom/family. that's where it got cliche depressing and draggy.. its not a good thing when you're not really motivated to read the last volume..the ending also felt very rushed with the whole typical, 'i'm going to study abroad' thing. It simply failed to satisfy me. Overall the manhwa was decent, but i think it had a lot more potential to be better. (it could have been one of my favourites!)

... Last updated on April 2nd, 2011, 10:40pm
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by oinkmoorawr
September 7th, 2010, 4:56pm
Rating: 8.5  / 10.0
The art was great, the story was decent. In the beginning volumes, when she stays with him even though he was a total douche, I was very pissed. I mean, whyyyyyyy? And especially when she was like, "You're selfish, you're despicabe, you're mean... but I still love you." He did almost nothing to make her love him. Also, he changes from being cold to nice and cuddly in about two chapters and the manhwa didn't really explain how the change happened. It's like one day he woke up and was like,"I'll stop being a rude, despicable person and be nice now." After that, it was pretty good. It was heart wrenching when
Spoiler (highlight to view)
he pushes her away and dumps her and tries to leave for America.
The last volume dragged on a little and the whole sidestory with the shounen ai was kinda unnecessary. If you dislike shounen ai, you can just skip the chapters, they don't really have to do with the main plot. I don't regret reading this, but I probably won't be rereading it either. I would probably give it an 8 for the story, but I found it funny, mostly in the last few volumes, and the main characters were likeable. The enjoyable last half makes up for the rough first half.

... Last updated on September 7th, 2010, 5:03pm
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Adored it.<3  
by Autumn_Niight
June 10th, 2010, 4:48pm
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
So far I have only rated a select few manga/manwha's a perfect ten and this was definitely one of them <3
At first I was a bit skeptical about the female lead in the series since she wasnt feminine whatsoever, but she fersure begins to grow on youuu.
This manwha was funny & adorable. the art was beautiful<3 and the plot was something new and not cliche for me. And I loved the ending x]]] This is definetely one of my top favorites<3

... Last updated on June 10th, 2010, 4:50pm
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He's so cool!!! (... or rather.. cold ^^;)  
by fictionalscience
May 23rd, 2010, 12:23pm
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
This manga reminds me of Let Dai, but really really funny, has much less violence, (mostly) straight, and has a much better ending. Although I read all 6 volumes in 1 day, I felt like I was reading the manga for a whole year. The male main character, Seung Ha, is a total jerk in the beginning, but the good part is, it was just one side of him, and we find out that's he's really "just" twisted/complicated/childish/possessive (and kind of a good old sadist)... but in a lovable kind of way, lol. There's really good character development (for all the characters), and I felt like I had as much fun trying to figure out Seung Ha as much as the girl, Nan Woo, did... I think I even fell in love with him *_____*. (I should snap out of it XD). They're such believable characters! (even though really weird)

... Last updated on May 23rd, 2010, 12:33pm
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by LUEser
January 20th, 2010, 9:47pm
Rating: 5.0  / 10.0
Artworks aren't so bad. Every character is elegant but facial expression is too stiff. I think the manga artist was trying to portray a very model-like look with the face but too much shadowing in the eyes and/or not enough details towards the mouth make the character look weird no matter how good they dress.

The plot is okay, but Seung-Ha's personality is ruining everything for me. I like that he's got this mysterious side about him, these masks he feels he has to put on for different people. Otherwise, this manga is only good for a one-time read... I wouldn't really read it over and over again. Nan-Woo's appearance compared to Seung-Ha's is too great of a difference; it's like an adult dating an 11-year-old. The ending was mellow, and also straightfoward: Nan-woo grew up. smile

... Last updated on January 27th, 2013, 1:23pm
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by MyL0vEe__
December 29th, 2009, 8:56pm
Rating: 10.0  / 10.0
OMG!! I LOVE this manhwa!!<33 So lovable! wink Seung-Ha is soo HOT!! xDD LOL. I love their relationship. So cute! Maybe in the beginning it WAS a little abusive xD But it was in the funny ways xDD LOL. OMG i just dunno how many time i have to say this to express my feelings x3 Simpily i jsut love this manhwa! And Nan-Woo is just the type of heroine i love wink -sigh- this manhwa just made my day >:3 You know i'm not really a BL fan, but this was good. Not too much; it's just right. ----WARNING SPOILER(a little) ---- Anyway, i just LOVE the part where, in most shojo manga the girl will run into the guy's arms, but here Nan-Woo actually punch/beat Seung-Ha. LOL. That was just hilarious!!<33 -sigh- and innocent and refreshing story; ) It's been a long time since I've read one that is so good! x3 Teehee. I dun get why the other ppl disliked this manhwa, but I for sure love it a lot! I just kinda wished to see them grown up with kids xDD LOL. -sigh- it would have been soo CUTE~~ And to the comment below...I didn't think it was an abusive relationship, but rather one that hasn't quite matured yet..O_O'' in a way.. xD There were scenes that showed how much Seung-Ha cared about Nan-Woo. Anywayy, this manhwa is going to my top ten list ;P Well ppl READ this manhwa!! If you dun listen you'll totally regret it! I REAPEAT YOU WILL REGRET! > : P
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My god...  
by Buggar
December 26th, 2009, 11:40pm
Rating: N/A
What the hell is wrong with you people? No seriously, is this the type of relationship women find acceptable? The man is abusive, and he forces the woman to depend on him by torturing her and alienating her from others. This... this isn't romance, its Stockholm syndrome!

I don't know, christ, is emotional abuse is what women really want from a relationship? Seriously?
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